"I will hurt you for this. I don’t know how yet, but give me time. A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you’ll know the debt is paid." -George R.R. Martin

I woke up at exactly 6:30 AM. I guess you could say that was all from my military training I got. My grandfather and my father both were in the army back home in Trinidad. With some other things on the side. You see, I’m originally from the Caribbean. Moved to America when I was five. My mother was murdered by some men that were my father’s targets. They saw her as value and took her out. Needless to say, once she was taken out, my father and grandfather kidnapped them, killed their loved ones in front of them, then killed them. My father and grandfather were cold blooded. Most people would be scared of or fear someone like that, but he was my protector, I felt safe when I was with them. They taught me how to live. Not take shit from anyone. Taught me everything I know today. Oh yeah, that’s what the side thing was, they’ve become hitmen back in Trinidad. My mother made them swore they were going to leave that life behind when we moved to America. Kinda like starting anew, but that all changed when those bastards killed my mom. Soon, my grandfather got ill and couldn’t continue killing people. He kept saying one day I’m gonna come home from school and he’s not gonna be there no more. That day happened during the middle of my junior year in high school. I saw my dad slowly go into a depression, but had to run his ‘business’. Seeing him like that broke my heart. All the people in my life keep dying and I’m not about to let my father be the next.Nicki’s POV
One day, after school, I knocked on his bedroom door. I took a breath and told him I wanted to be an assassin. I wanted to help him. He’s my dad. He’s all I got. We argued about me become a assassin because he had bigger dreams for me and blah blah blah. Of course I got my way, but not without a compromise. I had to complete school before I could start anything.
Today, I’m 22, a few years out of high school and the most feared female by the smart people who valued their lives. Pulling my wig off and putting it on the mannequin head, I began to strip of my clothing as I turned on the water for my shower. Waiting for it to get warm just how I liked, I tied my hair up and scrubbed the minimal makeup I had on. Patting my face dry on the towel, I looked up into the mirror and stared at my reflection.
Did I really want this? Maybe I could’ve done other things. Is this really the life I want?
Thoughts buzzed around in my head. Thoughts I hated. I picked this life! There’s no turning back now. I sighed and stepped into the shower, letting the steam and warmth sooth me. After washing my body, I turned off the shower, dried off and lotioned my body. Walking back into my room, I opened the nightstand drawer and got out a pad of paper with a list of names and my die.
- Adam Cooke
- Sheryl Rodgers
- Anaya Kohl
- Shawn Thompson
- Aubrey Graham
- Lacey Ortega
Here, Daddy. I did all the research for Darius Malcolm. I’m leaving to go study at Aubrey’s house!
“Wait Neeki!" I heard my father's thick island accent call out for me."Yeah Daddy?"
"Be careful! People are starting to know your my daughter, which means you are in danger. Always use the name Nikita, only the people you trust and are close too should know your real name."
"I know Daddy, I can take care of myself! I wish someone would try me!"
"Oh my baby Neeki, thinks she can take on the world just like her Dad."
I smiled and kissed his cheek before I walked out our front door. Walking the couple of blocks to my baby Aubrey's house to study, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was following him. I looked over my shoulder a few times and saw no one. So, I shrugged and finished my walk to Aubrey's house.
Skipping up the steps, I knock on the door. Ms. Graham or Mama Sandi as I call her since she's like a second mother to me, opened the door and greeted me with one of her warm tight embraces. I breathed in her scent and thought of my mother as I hugged her tighter.
"Hi baby."
"Hey mom! How are you?"
"I could be better, not feeling so good."
"Oh I'm so sorry! I can come back at a different time."
"Oh no no dear! Your presence makes me feel better, plus Aubrey is expecting you."
I smiled and stepped in the house. I made my way to the basement where Aubrey was. Barely knocking on his door, I barge in, scaring him in the process making me giggle.
"Seriously, Nicki!"
"Well hello to you too."
"Hi Onika." He sighed and walked over to me, giving me a hug.
Once he released me, I hopped on his bed and took out my books and began to study as Aubrey played video games. I always nagged him to study and apply himself but he never did. Can't force someone to do something they don't wanna do.
Hours passed and soon it was around dinner time and I had to get back home. Hugging Aubrey as he walked me out, I told him I would see him tomorrow at school. Of course he replied with 'maybe'. Oh boy, what am I going to do with him.
Laying on my bed, I couldn't get rid of the eery feeling I had as I walked to Aubrey's house. Having a quick thought thinking something was wrong with his mother, I jumped up and threw on a sweatshirt and sweatpants and jogged out of my house to his. Ran up the steps, I heard commotion going on in the house. Something told me not to open the door. I, instead pressed my ear to the front door and listen intently.
"Give me Nikita or your mother dies!" I heard a gravely deep voice growl. My heart sank when I recognized the voice. Darius Malcolm. I continued to listen as I heard my Aubrey's voice tell him where me and my father lived. Immediately filled with rage and disbelief, I reached my hand out to open the door and I felt a hand stop me. I looked around and saw no one. It hit me that it was my mother looking down on me. Running away as quietly as I could to my house. Bursting thought the door and racing up the steps to my fathers room, I woke him and told him everything.
For the next, two years I was in hiding and never saw my Aubrey again.
Tomorrow night would be the first time in 5 years I've seen him. The more I thought about it the more I wanted to be enraged. But for some reason I could never stay mad at his big headed ass. I think they call that love. Fuck love. Fuck him. Fuck everything. They say everything happens for a reason, maybe I'm supposed to take him out.
is their another part to this
ReplyDeleteYes! Check out my blog on tumblr itsdrickibytch.tumblr.com for all updates on stories and oneshots until I can find the time to update this blog :)
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