I was going over to my husband’s house to study, as I went up the stair of his porch, I saw the front door open. My first thought was, "Awww he saw me coming." but no. The door opens and there’s Nicki and him, I guess saying their goodbyes. Drake leaned down and kissed Nicki, pretty passionately on the lips. Anger and jealousy instantly filled me. What is it about her that he is so in love with? That shit honestly pisses me off because I think Nicki and I are somewhat alike. What does she have that I don’t? Oh wait, class.
“Ahem.” I cleared my throat in attempt to stop them, but of course to no avail. Seriously?!
“AHEM!” Finally they broke their tongue battle and looked at me. I smiled and wiggled my fingers at them. Of course, I got Nicki’s signature eye roll. Who does this bitch think she is? Alway acting like she something. The only thing she is, is a wannabe.
“What do you want Ami?” Drake asked me. Nicki turned, and cocked her hip, crossing her arms. She ain’t cute.
“Well uh, to spend time with my husband and study. Oh! I would also appreciate it if you both of y’all’s tongues away from each other.” Nicki again rolled her eyes and held on to Drake’s side.
"Drake you belong to me, I’m your wife and Nicki, you have Shawn, now get on.” I pointed towards the door.
“Bitch, don’t even mention my name. It’s already bad I gotta breathe the same air as you. Please don’t make it worse.” Drake busted out laughing. I felt my anger rise. Lord, give me the strength not to hurt this bitch.
“Damn Nic.” Drake said.
“What? Just being honest.” She looked up at him and they both smiled. Sharing giggles and chuckles.
“Seriously Drake?” I asked.
“You aren’t even going to defend me?”
“Uh…no.” Nicki cackled and pointed her finger at me.
“Your face!!” Nicki exclaimed.
“Look bitch-” She cut me off.
“Ugh do I have too?” She dramatically tilted her head back and slumped her shoulders. I glared at both her and Drake. This bitch better recognize who she talkin’ too. Don’t mess with me.
“Okay, I’m done being nice. This is your last and final warning, stay away from my husband or else.”
“Oh else what bitch? You think I’m scared of you? HA! Think again.” I saw Nicki readjust her backpack and start walking down the last few steps.
" Have fun with your psycho wife Aubrey.”
“Oh so you gonna do me like that?” He asked. I lifted one of my eyebrows. Nicki walked back up the steps and kissed him on the lips. Longer then wanted.
“Better Papi?” She bit her lip. I think I’m gonna throw up.
“Yes Mami. Love you.” Nicki hugged him again and walked down the steps.
“I know. Ha! I love you too!” She brushed pass me and left the house, not closing the door. I looked at Drake, pissed off. He just looked at me and shrugged.
“Can I come in?”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Why does she get to call you that?”
“Because she is Onika and you aren’t. What do you want?”
“I wanted to study with you and talk about the wedding.”
“I already studied with Onika and I don’t give a shit about this wedding, have a nice day.” Did this nigga really slam the door in my face and reject me?! Oh it’s on now!

God! I hate that bitch! I hate her almost as much as I hate Shawn. I’m tired of this fake ass shit he’s on. He’s sweet one minute and then can be the biggest asshole in the world. I’m still mad at him for shooting Aubrey and not to mention our parents. How could they still want to go through with this knowing that he shot Aubrey and he could possibly shoot me too.
I finally reach my house and I turn the knob to go in and to my absolute delight, I see Shawn and my parents sitting on the couch with this woman that I haven’t seen before.
“There’s my beautiful wife.” Shawn greeted. I tried to ignore him but my dad told me not to be rude so I said “hi.” in the most flat and mono toned voice.
“Onika be nice! We have company!” My mom whisper-shouted to me.
I closed the front door and put on smile. I walk over to where everyone was sitting.
“Hi, I’m Onika but I go by Nicki.”
“Hi Nicki, I’m Lorraine, You and Shawn’s wedding planner.” She plastered a big, fat smile on her face. Me, not so much.
“Bye.” I said turning around. Not until, of course my mother stopped me,
“ONIKA!” I sighed heavily and dropped my backpack on the ground. I dragged my body in the chair furthest away from everybody, mostly because I hate almost every person in this room. Lorraine is working her way there. She just held up more and more pictures of these cheesy wedding venues. I couldn’t find an ounce of a fuck to give. This wedding is with Aubrey and I so it’s irrelevant. My mother was taking over anyway. She picked mostly everything, and Shawn? He was just on his fucking phone the whole time. Not that I give a damn, but nigga, you’re getting the fucking privilege to “marry” me. Better make it seem like you care.
“What do you think of this one, Nicki?” Lorraine cut me out of my thoughts. I skimmed it for a second and nodded.
"Yeah, sure. Whatever.” I heard my dad clear his throat. I looked over at him and he glared at me. I sighed aloud and stood up.
"Mother, Father. I have to take a piss, is that acceptable with you?” I said very prissy like. They are starting to agitate me. "
‘NikaNick, don’t talk to them like that.” Camry added. I darted my eyes at him. “Don’t call me that. And mind your business.”
"Hunny, Your business will soon be mine too." He stood up.
"Then get this memo, FUCK. YOU." I yelled. Everyone gasped but Lorraine. My father yelled at me and sent me to my room. Exactly what I wanted. I went back to my chair and picked up my backpack. I stormed off and slammed my door. I threw myself onto my bed and wiped the tears that we’re rolling down my cheeks. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and tried to FaceTime Aubrey. After a few attempts, he finally answered.
"Sorry, Ami wouldn’t leav- Onika, are you crying?" He asked. I nodded and looked up at the camera. I saw the hurt in his face.
"Ohh, babygirl. Please. Don’t cry." That just made it worse. I started sobbing and I tried to stop, but I couldn’t.
"There was a wedding planner here, Aubrey. This is really happening." I cried out. He stayed silent.
"What if after this, I never see you again." I looked down and we both wallowed in the silence. All you could hear was my small sniffles.
"AUBREY! DINNER!" I heard Mama Sandi yell in the background. We both looked up at the front camera.
"I uh- I gotta go." He stuttered. I nodded and kissed my two fingers, putting them on the front lens. He weakly smiled and did the same. "Call ended." flashed on my screen and I slowly dropped my arm down. I looked over to the picture frame on the my side dresser.

I felt the tears slide down my face again, but this time I didn’t weep. I just wiped them and turn off the lights. Thank god tomorrow is Friday.

I stared at my phone, with thoughts running through my mind about what ‘Nika said. What If we never see eachother again? My mom interrupted my thoughts, calling me down to eat. I walked halfway down the stairs. I saw her and I sighed heavily, tilting my head back.
“Why are you still here?” I dragged out.
“Aubrey!” I heard my mom shout. I lifted my head and looked at her.
“Stop talking to your wife like that.” Ami lifted her eyebrow up and crossed her arms.
“She isn’t my wife though. So I’ll talk to her as I please.” I walked down the rest of the steps.
“Excuse me? Are you getting smart with me?”
“I don’t know. Am I?”
“That’s it! Go to your room. I’ll bring your food up.”
“Don’t bother, this sight makes me lose my appetite.” I pointed at Ami, and she fake gasped; bringing her hand to her chest. Turning on the back of my feet, I left the dining room, hearing my mom’s rants get more distant.
I opened my door, I flopped on my bed and stared at the ceiling. So much was running through mind. Graduation is next Wednesday. I have to go apartment hunting with Ami on Sunday.
Why can’t I be apartment hunting with Nicki? Why can’t I be engaged to Nicki?She’s the only the person I see a future with.There has to be a way out of this arranged bullshit. My thoughts soon ventured to Onika’s addiction. The only time she seems to be doing good is when she’s with me. Every time I see her in the hallways at school, the look of pure sadness and despair on her face breaks my heart. She’s so unhappy. Why can’t her parents see that? Do they not see how she suddenly wears long sleeves and bracelets all the time now?
What can I do? What can she do? Nothing. I’m sitting here helplessly watching my best friend, my family, the love of my life slowly deteriorate and become someone I don’t even know.
I heard my door open and close, I didn’t even bother to lift my head and look, but I was soon met with the displeasuring sound of Ami’s voice.
“Daddy, are you okay?” Daddy? Bitch, what?
I remained silent. I felt my bed shift and saw her out of the corner of my eye lay down next to me. I turned over on my side and got my phone out to to text Nika.
» Hey baby, you ok?“Drake talk to me. I can’t fix anything if you don’t talk to me.” Ami whined.
» Nika you there?“Drake why are you ignoring me?”
» Nicki I need you to answer me!“Drake!” She yelled.
“What?! What do you want from me?!” I jumped off my bed and stared at her.
“I was just…asking if you were okay. And for you to talk to me!” Ami screamed back with tears in her eyes. I fell for that crying shit once before, not gonna happen again. I throw on my J’s while dialing Nicki’s number.
“Please answer the phone Nika.”

N/O’s POVAfter ending the call with Drake, Nicki got up and went to the bathroom. She stared at herself in the mirror and saw someone she didn’t recognize. She looked down on her wrists and lightly touched her wounds. She winced at the pain, and slowly sat down on her toilet.
How did it come to this? The old memory of how her life used to be constantly replayed in her mind.
“What did I do to deserve this?”That question floated around her brain every agonizing moment of every day. Soon, Nicki heard a knock on her bathroom door. She asked who it was, but before she could get the full question out the door flew open.
“What do you want Shawn?” Nicki quickly covered her arms.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” It took Nicki a while to answer.
“You completely embarrassed me down there!” Nicki stood up and walked right past him; back into her bedroom.
“You were on your phone the whole time I was down there!”
“Who the fuck are you getting loud with?!” Shawn questioned before pushing Nicki. She refused to be fucked around with. She turned and faced him.
“You! You’re the only person here asshole!” She shoved back, which only angered Shawn more. He hauled off and smacked her across the face. Her body fell to the ground.
“Now imma ask you again. Who. Are. You. Getting. Loud. With?” Nicki thought back to when he first hit her, and how weak she was. But she wasn’t gonna let that happen anymore. She lunged herself back up and yelled right in his face.
“Are you deaf?! I said YOU!” Shawn flew into a rage and started beating Nicki. He had pushed her back down, and followed her to the ground. Her screams were futile. She tried her best to block his powerful punches. Her parents had left with Lorraine and Shawn told them he would meet them, he wanted to “check” on Nicki first.
His punches had stopped.
Nicki laid on the floor, crying and holding her face. Her sleeves had fallen.
“Ew, what the fuck?! You cut yourself?!” Nicki had noticed and quickly pulled them back down. Instant shame overcame her, and she looked at Shawn’s disgusted face.
"That’s disgusting. I can’t believe I have to marry you. A fucking cutting board.” Shawn coldly stated before leaving her. Nicki laid on the floor until she heard the front door close. She slowly sat up and let all what Camry said sink in. She went back to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Tears falling out of her eyes as she looked her battered self.
She was done.“What else is there to live for?” She whispered to herself.
Aubrey was still fighting with his mom in the dining room. He was trying to cut the argument short so he could run to Onikas. Finally he gave up and just left.
"Aubrey Drake Graham!" Was the last thing he heard his mother yell before he slammed the door and ran off.
Nicki left the bathroom and went downstairs, she went and got a bottle of vodka from her dad’s office. He didn’t know that Nicki knew where he hid the keys.
Nicki ran back upstairs and went to her bathroom and got the bottle of aspirin. She unscrewed the cap and poured a bunch into her hand. She took a deep breath and chucked the pills down her throat. Then, she opened the bottle of vodka and drank all she could. Nicki stared at herself in the mirror, mouthing ‘I’m sorry’.
She then heard a bang on the door.
"ONIKA!" her eyes widened.
"Aubrey?" She whispered. She dropped the bottles and ran down the stairs. The room was spinning and she wasn’t walking so straight. She threw her hand onto the door handle. After years of struggle, she finally opened the door. She looked up at him.
"Onika?" He whispered. She just stood there and weakly wobbled. She then fell to her knees and vomited. Aubrey jumped back just in time. She just kept vomiting and vomiting. Drake ran inside and grabbed a bottle of water.
"FUCK!!" Nicki screamed at the top of her lungs. She started punching and kicking the walls. Aubrey brought her into a hug, trying to get her to stop.
"Nicki! Nicki!" He kept yelled.
"FUCK!! IT ISN’T GOING TO WORK." Her petit body could hold that much alcohol all that once. Let alone, all those pills.
"WHAT ISN’T GOING TO WORK?!" Aubrey yelled. Nicki didn’t answer. She just kept crying,
It isn’t going to work.
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