| A Week Before Mother’s Day |
"Mommy you can’t tell Drake or his mother until I do. Okay?"
"Okay! Better say someting soon Onika!"
"I will!! He’s already gonna be mad that I didn’t tell him first."
"He’s not gonna be mad."
"Oh then what’s he gonna be?" Nicki asked with attitude.
"Watch who ya talkin’ too," Mama Carol told her daughter, "He’s gonna over the moon and surprised Nicki."
"If you say so.”
“I know so. Are you nervous?”
“No mommy! Why would I be nervous?”
“Okay fine! I am, but I don’t know why.”
“It’s perfectly normal to be nervous. Everything’s gonna be okay, now mommy’s gotta go to the studio.”
“Oh god it’s so weird hearing that.”
“It’s weird saying it my dear. I love you Onika! Tell my son in law soon!”
“I will, I will. I love you too mommy.”
“Hey Nic? You okay? You’ve been acting weird?” Drake questioned.
“I asked if you were okay? You’re acting strange.”
“Yeah I’m fine.”
“Are you lying to me?”
That question made a lump appear in Nicki’s throat. She forgets that Drake knows her like the back of his hand.
“N-No.” Nicki cursed herself for stuttering. She wanted to tell him but she has a plan.
“You sure?”
“Yes Papi, geez!”
“Just checkin ma! Simmer down.”
“Okay, thank you baby.” Nicki said as she was on her tip toes, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Nicki let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding in once he stepped out of the house to shoot hoops with his boys. She had to tell him and fast. He’s getting suspicious. Nicki quickly finished prepping for dinner before jogging up the stairs and calling Sherika.
“This hoe better answer the phone.” Nicki said aloud.
“Hello?” Sherika answered.
“Drake’s getting suspicious!”
“Why do you sound so surprised? When are you gonna finally get it through your head that, that boy know you like we and ya mama know you?”
“I called to talk, not a lecture. Hush the noise.”
“It isn’t noise if it’s the truth Onika.”
With that, Nicki ended the call. She grabbed her computer and googled ways to tell your significant other you’re pregnant. Instinctively, Nicki rubbed her stomach and smiled at the fact that she is having a baby by the man of her dreams and the love of her life. She found some pictures and an idea sparked in her brain. Selecting four of her favorite photos and printing them out, her plan was in action.
“I can do this….After dinner I’ll tell him….yeah good plan…why am I so nervous?” Nicki spoked to herself as she hid the photos with her work belongings.
After sighing to herself, she went to the staircase and descended down them. Nicki quickly had everything cooking since she had already prepared most of it. Her stomach started to get a little queasy so she pulled open the sliding glass door and yelled to Drake.
“Hey baby!”
“Dinner’s ready?!”
“No, not yet you pig! Do we have any ginger ale?!”
“Ginger ale! Do we have some?!”
“Fuck it! Nevermind!” Nicki screamed and then mumbled to herself as she went back to the kitchen and stirred her pasta noodles.
A little while later the pasta was done and Nicki set the table.
“Boys!!! Dinner!!” Nicki hurried out of the way, because she knew a stampede was about to happen. The boys rushed inside the house and sat down at the table.
“Babe, you not eatin’?” Drake asked.
“I am.” Nicki answered before getting a tub of ice cream and a jar of dill pickles out of the freezer and refrigerator. All the boys turned their face up in disgust.
“You good Nic?” Chubbs questioned.
“Drake, what’s wrong with wifey?” Mark whispered to Drake.
“Something’s up but I don’t know what.”
“Uhh y’all stank. Excuse me.”
“Where are you going?” Drake asked.
“To puke, I’ll be back.”
“Stay there! I’m fine!” Nicki yelled back as the sound of her voice kept getting farther and farther away.
| After Dinner |
Nicki returned to the dining room to find the boys gone and the plates and bowls in the sink, rinsed out and everything. Nicki sighed and rubbed her stomach again.
“Aww fuck, I gotta tell him.” Nicki pouted.
“Him? Him who?” Drake inquired, scaring Nicki.
“You dick!!”
“I’m sorry! I thought you would hear my footsteps!”
“Well I didn’t.”
“Well I apologize, now tell him what? Who’s him?”
“Him is you asshole.”
“Alright, drop the fucking attitude. I’m just trying to see if you’re okay.”
Nicki grabbed his hand and attempted to pull him, but he stood his ground.
“Aubrey, I’m sorry okay, I’m freaking out and I don’t know how to tell you. Just don’t be mad please.”
“Well ‘don’t be mad’ usually means I’ll get mad, but okay. What is it?”
“You have to come upstairs.”
“Seriously? You can’t just say it?”
“No! Aubrey I can’t!”
“Alright fine.”
Nicki lead the way up the stair and into their bedroom. She told Drake to sit on the bed and of course Drake gave her a funny look.
“Okay, okay.”
Nicki went to grab the four pictures. She looked at them and sighed knowing this was it. Their lives were about change, drastically. Were they ready for the ride?
“Look at this pictures. What is the recurring theme?”

“Um well they all look to be pregnant. One’s even holding a baby.”
“Right…. What do you think about that?”
“Uh I don’t know. What do you mean?”
“Okay, why do you think I’m showing you these?”
“I don’t- wait…. Are you?” Drake asked as big smile graced his face making one appear on Nicki’s as well.
“Am I?”
“Onika. Are you trying to tell me you’re pregnant?”
Nicki looked at the ground and nodded her head.
“Well why didn’t you just tell me!!” Drake exclaimed before standing and engulfing her into a hug.
“I was scared.” Nicki confessed.
“Because I was.”
“When did you find out?”
“Two weeks ago.”
“Two weeks ago?!”
“Aubbie please don’t be mad.”
“Who else knew?”
“My mom and my best friends.”
“Dammit Nicki.”
“I know, I know Aubrey. I’m sorry. It was instinct to call my mom and then after that I was gonna tell you but I chickened out and my mom told TT and then TT told the rest of the girls.”
“Alright.” He sighed.
“Don’t be mad at me Papi.” Nicki said in her baby voice, adding her famous pout knowing he couldn’t stay mad at her.
“I’m not mad…. Anymore. Now, let’s tell my boys.”
“Okay.” Nicki giggled.
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