This man has the audacity to walk out on me, yet again. In front of his mother. Who the fuck does that? I know Aubrey and I have some working to do on our loving relationship but, this kinky cat and mouse game is going on for too long. Grad is in a few days, and a few days after, i’m suppose to be saying ‘I do.’ with the man I love.
"I apologize for his horrendous behavior, Ami." Mama Sandi said to me. I plastered a fake smile and looked towards her.
"It’s alright Mom, I understand. I think I should check on him though. You know, his issues with anger." When in all reality, I was pissed And, I knew exactly where he was going. The bitch.
"Oh, Ami. You are just so wonderful. I don’t understand why Aubrey dislikes you." She smiled and hugged me. This lady smells like mothballs and sweat. When she released, I forced the smile back on my face. I said goodbye and grabbed my coat. I’m going to let this hoe know, who she’s dealing with.
I stormed into her house. The absent cars notified me that I didn’t have to uphold my sweet girl image to Nicki’s parents. Perfect. I walked into Nicki crying, of course. And Aubrey holding her. They both looked up and I crossed my arms.
"Dammit Ami! Why do you keep following us?" Aubrey yelled standing up. I saw Nicki pulling down her sleeves but I shrugged it off.
"Why are you always here with this Trick?!" I yelled.
"Who are you calling a Trick?!" She attempted to defend herself. But I knew she wasn’t shit. Never will be.
"Sit down, Nobody was talking to you. Grown ups are speaking." I swerved and looked back at Aubrey.
"Grown up? Bitch you the size of a smurf." She think she got joke. I rolled my eyes, and then hit Aubrey’s arm for laughing. Nigga. It wasn’t funny.
"Aubrey, you’re coming home with me, now."
"He’s not going anywhere." Nicki stood up and walked over to me.
"Excuse me, but did I not say, ‘Aubrey’? Who the fuck was talking to you." I walked up to her. I’m not scared. Before she could retaliate, Aubrey pulled her back and stepped in front of her.
"Now is not the time, Ami." He said sternly.
"Aubrey, let’s go."
"Ami, go home."
"Not without you."
"Shut the fuck up and get out of my house." Nicki pulled him back and got back up to my face. Honestly, her pores are the size of texas. She looks like fucking Kruger.
"Make me, bitch." She looked away and chuckled. But before I knew it, her fist had hit me. Lucky shot. I brought my hand to where she had punched me and looked at Aubrey. He was laughing. My eyes started to water but I didn’t want them to see my cry.
"Aubrey…Do something."
"You came here looking for a fight, didn’t you?" He said. I looked at both of them and rolled my eyes, letting the tears fall.
"Fuck you." Is all I could say before leaving. Fuck them.

I fucking hate that bitch! Yes I know hate is a strong word but wholeheartedly hate her and Shawn. Sometimes I feel like this is all a terrible dream and that our parents wouldn’t do this to us,
but I wake up everyday facing the reality that it’s not.“Thanks to that bitch, my fucking hand is killing me.”
“Oh my God that was hilarious! I can’t get how she was acting all bad and shit then you stepped to her and decked her and then the look of shock on her face!” Drake spoke while laughing. I smiled and looked at him.
“You do realize she’s gonna tell your mom right?” He frowned and fell back onto the sofa.
“Nic! Why did you have to ruin my fun?” He groaned. I shrugged and climbed on top of him.
“Sorry, but its the truth. She’s gonna tell your mom, your mom is gonna tell your dad, and then your parents are gonna tell my parents.” I sighed and put my head down on his chest. He started playing with the strands of my hair.
“Hey Nic-”
“Huh?” I looked up at him.
“You know since Grad is in a few days, we should sneak off. What do you think?”
“I think that’s a good idea that honestly could not go wrong.” I answered sarcastically.
“C’mon Nic! Don’t be negative! This may be our last…”
“Our last time together, yeah I know, no need to remind me.” I laid my head back down on his chest and started to draw circles with my finger tip.
"See even you know we probably aren’t gonna be able to see each other anymore.”
“Nic, I didn’t mean it like that. What could happen?”
“Uh we could get in trouble.”
“Oh. Oh so that’s how it’s gonna be?”
“Bish whet?” The look he gave me made me bust out laughing.
“Ok. Whatever do you mean darling?” I asked in my british accent.
He shook his head at me.
“I mean, we are already in trouble, so what some more gonna do? Unless you’re scared.”
“Uh excuse me? Scared. Do you know who you’re talking to? What makes you think I’m so scared?”
“By the way you’re acting.”
“You know what, fine! We can do it,” He brought his hands to my waist and lowered them towards my ass.
"We can?" He smirked.
"Pause, playboy." I saw a big smile appear on his face. I chuckled and smiled back at him. For the next couple of hours, Aubrey and I devised a plan and then we got on the topic of my problems.
I hate talking about them. I hate that I did that to myself.Aubrey is the only person who knows and I plan on keeping it that way. My parents would be so ashamed if they found out. Hell, I’m even ashamed. I can’t believe I did it. I never thought I would be that person nor did I ever think I would be in this position I am either.
Aubrey has this way of making everything okay and making you feel comfortable. He picks me up when I’m down or when I’m at my lowest point. The thought of not seeing him again saddens me because he’s everything to me. He’s practically my lifeline.

It was the next day and I woke up feeling happier than I have in months. I went ahead and told my mom my excuse which was one of my more simpler ones, the ‘I’m hanging out with my boys’. Today might be the last day I have to share with Onika, and i’m not gonna waste it.
I waved goodbye to my mom and walked towards the trail where Onika and I agreed to meet. I heard tiny footsteps behind me and I turned with a smile on my face, but that smile quickly faded when I saw Ami.
"What are you doing here?" She rubbed her arm and looked straight at me.
"I came to talk." I sighed heavily and looked around to see if Onika was coming. She wasn’t.
"I just wanted to say sorry. I know you really love Nicki, and i’ve been a jealous bitch. Fucking shit up." She didn’t look me in the eye, she just played with her feet, drawing circles in the dirt. I didn’t say anything. And I guess that cued the tears.
"I got to go pick up my dress with your mom." She slightly smiled. "See you next week." She walked away not saying another word.

"Yeah, With Thembi mom, love you." I hung up and continued to fix my hair. Last day with Aubrey. After Tonight, the next few days will be preparing for hell. Grad is tomorrow, and I have to prepare this fucking catastrophe my parents and the Camry’s call a wedding. I haven’t even seen Shawn since the shooting; I don’t want to anyway. I walked into my closet and picked one of the jays sitting in the corner. I looked back up and saw my grad dress. I stared at it for a while but was cut out of my trance when I heard a knock on the door. It couldn’t have been Aubrey, we’re meeting at the trail. I ran downstairs and answered to Satan.
"What th-" Before I could answer, Shawn planted his lips on me. I tried pushing him off, but he was too strong.
"Shawn, get, off!" I mumbled during his slobbery kisses. He finally released and I hit him as hard as I could.
"ARE YOU SENILE?!" I yelled at him. He didn’t answer. I looked up at the large clock hanging on my wall. I pushed him aside and walked out. I’m late. I ignored him calling my name to come back, and started running towards the trail. The trail wasn’t far, but it wasn’t exactly close. And I wanted to get there as fast as I could. I came near to the spot and was about to speak, until I saw them.
She brought her arm up to his neck ran her fingers through his hair. I watched as Ami attacked him with his lips. I cleared my throat and watched them both turn around.
"Onika…" He said. I shrugged and nodded.
"Is this why you called me here?" I rolled my eyes back and looked up in attempt to not let my tears fall.
"Why do you always play with me?" I didn’t let him answer. I looked at Ami.
"Keep ‘em." I turned to walk away and saw Shawn running. He stopped when he saw me crying and stuck his hand out. I pushed it away and continued walking. He followed behind me.

Hook, line and sinker. Got ‘em right where I want ‘em. I didn’t plan on Nicki’s raggedy ass to come but, hey- was a great show. I looked at Aubrey he was looking at the ground. I put my hand on his arm but, he shrugged it off.
“This is all my fault.” I whispered. He looked at me and I looked away. This nigga is a sucker for waterworks. He kissed his teeth and brought me into a hug. I pushed him away.
“Don’t.” He looked at me confused. ” Don’t hug me. Let’s not pretend we’re buddy-buddy. We’re not buddy-buddy. Go get her Aubrey.” He looked straight at me and I weakly smiled.
“You’re serious…” I nodded and pointed to where she ran. He looked and sighed.
“I’ll just go home.” I looked at him. Perfect answer.
“Well, I’m heading there anyway, wanna walk together?” I stood out my hand and I was surprised her grabbed it. We walked hand in hand not saying a word. We walked up his driveway and he opened the door for me. I thanked him and walked inside.
“Mama G?” I yelled. I knew she wasn’t home, but I had to play along. He thinks I came to go get my dress with his mom. “She’s not home yet?” He shook his head ‘no’ and I sighed.
“You mind if I wait for her?” I sat at the table and watched the clock. After a few minutes he finally offered.
“You wanna…chill, upstairs?” I looked at him as if he was crazy, but inside I was screaming ‘hallelujah.’
“You think that’s a good idea?” He scratched the back of his head and shrugged. I stood up and walked near him.
“Lead the way.” He partly smiled and walked up the stairs into his room.
“Hey! Wanna have a little fun?”
“What kind of fun? Your fun always seems to get me in trouble with Nika.”
“I was just gonna drink while we watched the movie and I was wondering if you wanted to join?”
“Sure, why not? Maybe I can drink my problems away.”
“Maybe.” I smirked and sat on his bed, while getting a pint of vodka out of my bag as I waited for him to put a movie on. During the movie, drinks were flowing and he had considerably more than I did. Which was all part of the plan of course. But anyway back to Aubrey, I could see how upset he was. I know I was acting but, damn. It kinda really pains me to see him like this. I paused the movie and looked at him.
“What you do that for?” He asked. I scooted closer to him and looked him, eye to eye.
“You’re upset. Let’s talk.” He shook his head ‘no’ but I wasn’t taking that for an answer.
“You love her, a lot.” He looked up and sighed.
“She never wants to hear my side. She always jumps to conclusions. This always happens, and she hasn’t even texted me back.” I nodded and put my hand on his shoulder and this time, he didn’t deny me. I moved closer and whispered.
“I’d never do you like that, Aubrey.” We stared deeply into each others eyes until we both leaned in for a kiss. I felt sparks fly, as his lips planted against mine. Soon, things progressed rapidly and I squealed as he brought his arms to my waist bringing me up on top of him and he started kissing down my neck. I moaned lowly, biting my lip. He brought his hands down lower, cupping my ass. He grabbed it, which made me moan louder. He smirked and so did I. I flipped my hair over my shoulder and went in for another kiss. Before we knew it, clothes we’re being thrown left and right. Aubrey had already flipped me over and started teasing me.
“Mmm, please.” I begged. He smack my inner thigh and devoured me. I grabbed the soft bed covers and arched my back, letting him have his way with me. “Shit.” I cursed under my breath.

“Can you stop following me?!” She yelled again before she attempted to slam the door in my face. I blocked her off and walked in.
“Sure Camry, come in. It’s not like I slammed the door in your face for a reason.” I chuckled and looked at her, hands in pocket.
“Where have you been?” She yelled at me. I shrugged and answered.
“Out and about.” She scoffed.
“Yeah, real husband material.”
“Oh so you’re considering it?”
“Do I have a fucking choice?” Damn.
“Barbie, chill.”
“Don’t call me barbie.” She stormed past me and walked into her kitchen. Kendrick Lamar started playing and I knew it was her cellphone. I reached for it, but she hit my hand.
“Don’t.” She looked at the caller ID and rolled her eyes, guess it was the lightskinned noodle nigga.
“Why are you here?” I could hear her voice crack.
I saw tears strike her enticing eyes and I felt my heart twinge. I always did like Nicki, but I never knew how to show it. The jerk card always worked with other girls but not with her so I’m at a loss.
“Nicki, don’t cry.” I reached up to her face and tried to wipe her tears, but she flinched away from. I couldn’t blame her. I treated her like shit. I put her through a lot. She has got to be the only one who can make the real me come out.
“Okay, lemme try something else,” I offered my hand out to her. She looked at it, then at me. I shook it, practically begging for her to grab it. She finally grabbed my hand and I walked her over to her bed and we sat down.
“I know I haven’t exactly been the best person to you, but I honestly really like you.”She laughed and rolled her eyes. I’m being one hunnid right now.
"I think you’re the only one who can make me be … me." She stood up from the bed and walked over to her dresser. I watched her prop her little body up, and sit on top; crossing her arms.
"You’re not the typical girl I hit and ditch. I can tell my front isn’t working. If you will give me another chance, I promise to do better.” She looked me in the eyes and studied me for a while. I guess she saw that I was being sincere and agreed to give me another chance. She looked down and I could tell she fazed out. Probably thinking about where she is with the Graham cracker. But If you ask me, she doesn’t need him. At all.
“Fine. One more. That’s it.” I smiled and nodded. She weakly smiled back. I stood up and walked near her, resting my hands on her thighs.
“To make it up to you and maybe make you feel a little better, maybe you’ll let me take you out and do the things that daffodil nigga was supposed to do.” She smiled.
"I’d like that." She answered. I kissed her cheeck and she giggled. Kendrick started playing again, and this time she answered her phone.
"OH FUCK AUBREY!" Nicki squinted her eyes and removed the phone from her ear. She looked at it and put it back on her ear.
"You like that?" Nicki could feel herself tear up. She blinked, letting the tears fall.
"Nika, bae, you alright?" I asked. I knew Ami had a plan, and maybe this was it. She hung up and threw her phone. I watched her break down and hope off the dresser, throwing herself on her bed.
"Nicki, what’s-"
"They fucked."
OMG I love this story muchh!! Pleaseee continue it!! Pleaaaasseeeeee i can't wait for charter 10 !!!!
ReplyDeleteBruhhhhhhhh 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 why can't they just be happy
ReplyDeleteBruhhhhhhhh 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 why can't they just be happy
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ReplyDeleteBruhhhhhhhh 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 why can't they just be happy