Ciara's POV
We all sat quietly; looking at each other. Giving each other slight smiles, but we we’re all thinking the same question. ‘What are Aubrey & Onika doing in there’. Nobody wanted to interrupt; for Aubrey’s sake. All he’s been thinking about is Nicki. And now that they are finally together, nobody had the heart to tear them away from each other; not that they should in the first place.
“Ciara, dear.” I looked up at Mama Carol. I smiled as a reply.
“Why don’t you go check on Nicki & Aubrey?” I nodded and smiled, standing and brushing my jeans. I was then shoulder pushed by skinny as bitch rushing past me.
“Ami?” I whispered. I walked towards her.
“What.” She mumbled.
“What the hell are you doing here?” I stood in front of the door, denying access. She crossed her arms and glared at me.
“I’m here to see Drake.”
“Aubrey’s busy right now, he doesn’t have time for pests.” I crossed my arms too.
“You may be his sister, but I’ll still whoop your ass.”
“Try me bitch.” I got in her face. She doesn’t intimidate me, no one does. She narrowed her eyes at me and all I did was raise an eyebrow. She scoffed and walked off. I rolled my eyes and turned around. I slowly opened the door and peeked through. I saw Onika, sleeping next to Aubrey, with her head on his chest. I smiled and closed the door. I went back to the waiting room.
“Are they alright?” Aubrey’s mom, Sandi asked. I nodded.
“They’re just resting.” I smiled at sat back in my seat.

Nicki's POV
I slowly opened my eyes and squinted at the bright hospital lights. I rubbed my eyelids and yawned, raising my head from Aubrey’s chest.
“Aubz…?” I whispered. He was still sound asleep. He needed it anyway. I sighed and reached for my phone in my pocket. I scrolled through and saw a million texts and missed calls. All from Camry. I rolled my eyes. He’s obviously the last person I want to hear from.
Shawn and his boys sat in the hookah bar. Smoking and drinking, and watching the girls sway their bodies side to side. They all were smiling and yelling ‘FREE LIL CAMMY’. They all thought it was a joke, except Shawn. He would laugh, but only to put up a front. He was scared, frightened actually. All he could think about is what he had did. This “bad boy” image he built up for himself just wasn’t working. He wanted to get into Yale, major in mechanical engineering, start a business, create a family. But he was lead in the wrong path, and made some decisions that he wasn’t even sure of at the moment.
Every chance he got, he would call or text Onika. but she wouldn’t answer.
My phone rang and I didn’t want Aubrey to wake. Panicking, I quickly (and accidentally) slid my finger across ‘answer’. I rolled my eyes.
“Onika! Oh shit- finally.” I hear the music in the background start to fade. He was going to somewhere private.
“What do you want, Camry?”
“Last name basis now?”
“You fucking shot Aubrey.” It got silent for a minute. I scoffed.
“If you have nothing to say, then don’t call m-“
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” I heard him choke up, is this nigga crying?
“I didn’t mean to shoot him, I didn’t mean for all of this- I just…” I was bout to open my mouth to speak, but he just kept pouring out.
“Would ‘sorry’ have made any difference? Does it ever? It’s just a word.” He paused.
“And now, his parents are sitting in a waiting room, probably stressing over some bullshit problem, I started because I was tryna impress ma boys.” I heard him chuckle. It got quiet again.
“Fuck.” He said, and hung up. I stared at my phone, scrunching my eyebrows.
“Who was that.” I jumped at the sound of his voice.
“Shit, Aubz. You scared me.” I smiled and cuddled into him.
“Sorry baby.” He kissed the top of my head. I looked at him and kissed him. His soft lips.
“I missed you.” He said. I smiled and nodded.
“I missed you too.”
We fell into a stark silence, both of us not wanting to the address the giant elephant in the room. What now, was the only thing running through my head.

Drake's POV
I knew what Onika was thinking. "All of this was her fault." I kinda feel bad because half of me wants to believe it is and the other half knows it’s not her fault. I guess I feel that way because if she hadn’t been with Shawn, none of this shit would’ve happened. There was no way in hell I was gonna tell Onika that.
She was talking to that nigga, bet money. How could she? That nigga shot me and she’s still gonna talk to him. We needed to talk, but how do we start? So many questions are running through my mind.
Just as I worked up the nerve to finally address this awkward situation, in walks Ami.
Fuck.“What the fuck is she doing here?” Ami asked with attitude.
“I could ask you the same.” Nicki retorted.
Oh fuck. I’m contemplating to push the button for a nurse to come in, ‘cause this ain’t ending well.
“Bitch was anyone talking to you?” Ami walked closer to the bed.
“Alright hoe, first of all, who in the hell do you think you’re talking to.” Nicki got off the bed, and walked near Ami.
"Second, I don’t give a fuck who you thought I was talking, but I am talking to you." Nicki got right in her face. And I knew she was ready to swing.
"Third, you can take ya stank ass the fuck out of this hospital because you aren’t needed.” Huh, she didn’t swing…
“I think you forgot the roles here sweetie.” Ami got closer.
"I’m his wife and you, are some home wrecking slut, who needs to fall the fuck back." Nicki raised her eyebrow, crossing her arms.
"I mean, you are the reason why my husband is laying in hospital bed.”
“You got about 0.5 seconds to shut the fuck up before I murk ya ass.” Nicki stook her finger in her face. Nicki fakely lunged in her face, I watched as Ami jumped. I tried to stifle my laugh, but to no avail. I saw Nicki smirk and turn around, making her hair slap Ami’s face. Onika walked back to bed, but just stood next to it and re-crossed her arms.
“Aubrey!! She just threatened me!! Do something!”
“The fuck you want me to do? I’m laying in a hospital bed. You the one that came in here looking for trouble, can’t take it? Get the fuck out.” I rolled over, and faced the other side. Shit, I ain’t got time for this. The was a long pause until I heard the door slam. I turned back over and saw Nicki, still facing the door.
"Nicki?" I called out to her. She remained still. I heard her sniffle, and I knew she was crying.
"Nicki." I said more stern. She turned around and wiped her eyes, faking a smile.
"Yeah?" She kept sniffling and breathing heavy. I signalled her to come sit and she started weeping. I brought her into a hug, and let her cry on my shoulder.
"Don’t let what Ami says, get into your head." She nodded and looked back up at me. Smiling.
"You know I love you, right Aubrey?" I smiled back at her.
"I love you too."

Nicki's POV
It’s been 2 months now, and everythings back to normal. No sign of Ami or Shawn. And that’s just how I like it. I was over at Aubrey’s and we were doing homework;well I tried to continued to my chemistry homework, but all I could hear was a tapping noise. I looked at the corner of my eye, and there he was, tapping his history book.
"Aubrey, stop it." He looked at me, and continued to tap his book. I looked over at him.
"Aubrey, stop." He smiled and kept tapping his book.
"AUBREY." I laughed and threw his pen to the ground. I smiled back and threw one of his pillows at him;hit him square in the head. I saw his head jerk to the right. My mouth formed an ‘O’ shape as I tried to not laugh. He looked at me and tackled me. I couldn’t stop laughing. He pinned me down against the bed and started tickling me.
"Ahahahaha, Aubrey!" I tried pushing him off, but it didn’t budge. He kept tickling me. Our playtime was cut short but a knock on the door. He got up and went back against the pillows. I laughed and answered.
"Come in!" In walked my parents, and Aubrey’s parents. We both sat up on the bed.
"Ma, pops, whats-" Aubrey was cut off by his mother.
"You guys are still obligated to obey our commands." We both looked at eachother, confused.
"The arranged marriges." My mom added. I groaned and fell back against the bed. Are you fucking kidding me.
"Mom, seriously?" I rejected.
"Yes, Onika." My father said.
"CAMRY FUCKING SHOT AUBREY!" I was getting mad now. Everyone looked shocked.
“MAYBE I DON’T WANT TO BE IN THIS HOUSEHOLD!" That didn’t stop me from yelling back.
"It’s funny you mention that, ‘Nika. You and Aubrey will be enforced to move in with your future spouses." Aubrey’s mom, Sandi said. What. the. fuck.
"Ma, you have got to be-"
"There are no if, ands, or buts about it. After the wedding, you will be moving in together. And that’s mandatory." Before we could complain, they all left the room. I could feel the tears stream down my face.
"What the fuck." I heard Aubrey, murmur under his breath.
"No." Is all I managed to get out. No. That’s all that i’m thinking; the only word that seems to be in my head. No.
“No!" I stood up and ran into my bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and back down at the razor sitting on the sink. I then looked over at the door, Aubrey was banging on.
fuck.“Onika! Open this door!”
“No! Leave me alone!” I screamed as my voice cracked.
Aubrey had found out about my cutting while we were still in the hospital. I forgot my bangles one day when I went back to visit him and he saw the scars and the scabbing. I started hyperventilating and threw my blade on the bathroom floor. I sat on the floor and threw my head into my hands, propping my knees up. Aubrey had stopped knocking and screaming and I looked at the door, mascara smeared across my face.
"Onika, listen." He said more calmly. "Pain is a pesky part of being human, I’ve learned it feels like a stab wound to the heart, something I wish we could all do without, in our lives here. Pain is a sudden hurt that can’t be escaped. But then I have also learned that because of pain, I can feel the beauty, tenderness, and freedom of healing-“ I ripped the door open and ran into Aubrey’s chest, my comfort zone. I hugged him tightly and felt my tears soak his shirt.
What were we gonna do now? Why are we being put through this? What did we do to deserve this? I just want my Aubrey. I want us to be together and every time we try, it fails.
I can’t be or stay with Shawn, he is crazy, he will drive me crazy.
I just want to die sometimes. Seems like the only way out. When you really love someone, you’ll do anything. Ask the bullet that went through Aubrey’s chest.