Nicki's POV
I stared at my reflection in the mirror as I fixed the collar of my button up shirt which was underneath my grey colored vest. I took a deep breath and continued to stare at myself as I brushed my hair. I heard my mom call my name. I went over to my white canopy bed and put my backpack on.
With my hand sliding down the staircase railing, I watched my feet hit every step until I felt my tiny feet hit the white tile flooring. I walked into the kitchen and sat on the stool, in front of my porridge.
“Morning, Mami.” I said playing with my spoon. She walked over and kissed me on the cheek.
“Morning, Onika. You ready for school.” I nodded and ate some of my food.
“Graduation is soon, so everybody’s stressing.” I said while grabbing my bag from the floor. I threw it over my shoulder after getting off the stool.
“Don’t worry bebĂ©. Your father and I have some exciting news when you come back home.” She said with a bright smile. I smiled back and kissed her on the cheek,
“Okay Mami, I’m off.” I said fixing my skirt. We said our goodbyes and I left.
I watched the mustard yellow bus come around the corner and stop in front of my house. I waved it off and walked towards the old trail where I would meet Aubrey. I looked at the dirty and dusty trail as I walked by myself. I had waited for about 10 minutes, and he didn’t show and I couldn’t be late for school.
Suddenly, Aubrey came running behind me and threw his arms around my tiny torso.
“You’re late, moron!” I laughed and turned to face him. I hugged him and wrapped my legs around him.
He kissed the crook of my neck and put me down gently.
“I’m sorry, my parents we’re teasing me with this ‘exciting news’. I needed some hints.” He said.
I looked at him with widened eyes.
“Exciting news?” I asked him. He looked at me with a slightly confused face and nodded at me.
“My mom said she had exciting news too!” I jumped up and down and squealed.
I laughed at his expression. He chuckled and intertwined our fingers. I looked down at our conjoined hands and back at him, he just stared straight ahead and listened to his iPod. I continued to study him. How handsome my best friend really is. He caught me staring at him and I blushed. He brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it. I tried to hide my smile, but it came peering out. He always finds a way to make me smile.
We entered the school hallway and we walked to our lockers. His “happened” to be right beside mine, but I knew he switched with Scott Malcolms- whom he knew I hated. He doesn’t know I know about this favour. The little things he does for me makes me thankful for him.

Drake's POV
It was now time to go home, and Onika & I we’re getting ready to leave.
“Aubrey! Stop!” She giggled out as I tickled her slim waist.
“I’m trying to get ready, Asshole!” She whispered, knowing that we would get into a lot of trouble if someone heard her curse, especially in this highly religious school.
I didn’t have a problem with it, but our parents would.
“Oooh, Onika Tanya Maraj! Did you just curse at me?” I said sarcastically, continuing to tickle her.
Her glorious laugh was music to my ears, I could listen to it all day.
“Hey ‘Nika, looking good as always.” Shawn said coming out of nowhere.
He attempted to grab her hand and kiss it, but she pulled away. I tried my best to stifle a laugh. Thirsty ass niggas these days.
“What do you want, Camry.” She asked, obviously annoyed.
She put her hello kitty backpack on her back. I watched her bring her dark black locks in front of her shoulders.
“Can’t a guy just come and holla’?” He asked bringing his hand near her lower torso, she scoffed and pushed him away.
“Not when the guy is a douche.” She said and grabbed my arm.
“Let’s go, Aubrey.” She turned her head towards me and I nodded, but before we could leave, Shawn grabbed her arm again.
“Nigga, take a hint!” She yelled.
I suddenly saw the scared expression on her face. She looked both ways down the hall to check if there was a teacher, luckily there was none in sight. Shawn started laughing.
“Don’t wanna get in trouble, NickiNick?” He said. She hates when people call her that.
“Shut up.” She said simply and walked on with me.
The whole walk home she ranted about how much she hated Shawn. They don’t really have a good past with each other. He’s always trying to hit on her, or trying to get in her pants- that’s the only one reason why she hates him.
We stopped at our spot we usually met at in the morning and parted ways. Nicki told me she would call me and tell me what this ‘exciting news’ was about.

Nicki's POV
“Mami! I’m home!” Nicki yelled through the house.
“Me and your father are in the dining room, dear!” My mom, Carol, yelled back.
I made my way to the dining room and saw my parents sitting down with Shawn.
What the hell is he doing here? I thought in my head.
I set my book bag in the chair next to me and sat down in the chair furthest from Camry.
“So um I don’t mean to be rude, but what’s he doing here?”
“I’m part of your news NickiNick.” Shawn told me. I gave him a cold stare. I was about to curse him out, but I heard my father clear his throat. I leaned back on the chair but didn’t break my intense stare with Shawn. Everything about this Trey-Songz wanna be nigga irked me.
I fought the urge to roll my eyes and curl my lip up in disgust. I hated him with every fiber of my being. Hated him with a passion.
“Shawn’s right princess. We have some news to tell you.” My mom said while cupping her hands with mine over the table. I lifted one eyebrow in confusion.
“Okay. What’s the exciting news?” I slightly laughed.

Drake's POV
“Okay Mom, I’m home, tell me the ‘exciting’ news?”
I walked into the family room and saw my mom, my dad and the girl from my science class, Ami. I don’t like her; she rubs me the wrong way. She’s stuck up and a wannabe bad bitch; a try hard.
“You know Ami, right son?” My dad asked me.
I nodded my head and looked at her. She was admiring her nails or rather her nubs. That’s a turn off, I mean if you trying to be a bad bitch at least make your nails look presentable.
“No offense or anything, but why is she here?” I asked. I heard her scoff in the background. This bitch doesn’t faze me.
“I’m part of your news, Aubrey.” Ami answered with a devious smile.
I resisted the urge to glare at her. I hate when people call me Aubrey. Only Onika and my mom can call me Aubrey.
“Okay then…” I stuttered.
“what’s the news?”
“Aubrey, you know graduation is coming up soon right?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Ok well um, after you graduate… you kind of erm, have to get married?” My mom chocked out. There was a long, awkward silence. The elephant had just entered the room.

Nicki's POV
“Well you kind of don’t have a choice.” My dad said.
“What do you mean I don’t have a choice?!” I normally don’t raise my voice at my parents, but this was ridiculous!

“It’s arranged.” Both their fathers stated.
“ARRANGED?!” Nicki and Drake yelled at the same time.
“Yes.” They answered.
“Are you gonna tell me who or nah?” Nicki questioned.
“And to who am I getting married to?” Drake quizzed.
“Shawn.” Nicki’s father, Robert answered. Nicki looked over and saw the sinister smile on his face.
“Ami.” Drake’s father, Dennis replied.
This story is a fan favorite and I hope my new readers like it as well. This is a collab with Cece who is an amazing writer, so check out her blog! If you liked it, tell me in the comments below!
~xoxo Dessi
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