Nicki awoke to the sound of things being thrown, banging and clanging. She set up and rubbed her eye, but suddenly ducked when she saw flying at her.N/O’s POV
"AUBREY!" Nicki screamed to Drake.
Drake went on continue to destroy their room, searching for his laptop, iPhone and Blackberry.
Nicki got out of bed and grabbed a pillow, she stomped her way over to Drake and started whacking him with the pillow.
"AUBREY. DRAKE. GRAHAM. QUIT. THROWING. SHIT!!!!!" Nicki yelled as she continued to whack him with the pillow. She didn’t stop until Drake picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and spun her around.
"PUT ME DOWN!!!!!!!!!!"
Drake put her down and grabbed her wrists before she could hit him.
"UGH! What are even looking for anyway?"
"My laptop, iPhone, and BlackBerry."
"Why do you need all three to get to the studio? I just thought you used your BlackBerry."
"No. The laptop has beats and emails on it that I need, my iPhone has my schedule in, and my BlackBerry has lyrics to songs for my album."
"Okay simmer Papi simmer. Did you check downstairs?"
"Did you check by the front door on the table?"
"I told you to simmer," Nicki said point her finger at him. "How about the make shift studio in the basement?"
Nicki got her answer when he ran out the room.
"Baby please, I’m already late, can you please clean this up for me please?" Drake pleaded.
Nicki saw the stress and truth in his eye so she agreed. She felt for him, she had been there before with her first album. She wanted to do something extra special, something to de-stress him. She finished cleaning their room and then decided to take a shower.
After her shower she called one of her best friends, Sherika to go do a little shopping. She put on her clothes and waited for Sherika to arrive.
About 10 minutes later, Sherika arrived and they got in Nicki’s pink Range. They drove to Intimacy, a lingerie shop in Santa Monica.
"So Nic, you gonna tell me why we lingerie shopping?"
"Well, I wanted to do something for Drake, something special. He’s been stressed lately with his new album and since Valentine’s Day is tomorrow. I wanna show him how much I really do appreciate him and just make him feel good, you know relax. Treat him like the king he is."
Sherika smirked and raised her eyebrow.
"Oh stahp, let’s go."
At The Studio
"No that’s right." Drake stated.
"Okay, well how about this?" 40 asked.
"No, no it just doesn’t right."
"Okay, how do you want it to sound?"
“I don’t know, I’ll know when I hear it.”
“Drake we have a album to make. We don’t have-”
“Listen I know we have an album to make! And I know we don’t have time! You don’t have to keep
reminding me every 5 fucking minutes!” Drake shouted and stormed out of the room to get some air.
40 thought this was an opportunity to call Nicki and ask for help on how to calm him down. Nicki suggested to do nothing but tell him to go home, take a shower or something, that’s how her song Save Me came about.
“I’ll help him relax later and help him figure this song out if he wants me too.”
“He just needs to chill. Like Valentine’s Day is soon, he needs to spend time with you and not this album.”
“He needs to work on the album, but he shouldn’t have a bed in the studio that’s doing too much, but no worries, Imma lock him up at home for a couple days and after Valentine’s Day is over, he should thoroughly inspired.”
“Hmm, what do you have planned Nicki.” 40 asked in an amused tone.
“Shut up Noah!”
“For someone who has songs rappin’ about how you a super freak, you a prude.”
“No! I’m just private! You know what lemme know when you get a girl and then you can’t talk to me.”
“Ouch! Damn Nic! You gon do ya brother like that.”
“That’s the way the cookie crumbles sometimes. Bye-bye.”

Nicki's POVSherika and I just pulled up at the lingerie store. I usually hate buying or wearing lingerie just because I don’t see the point. Why put on something that is just gonna be taken off 30 seconds later, but whatever. Lately, I’ve been getting into lingerie, not that over the top shit, just simple and classy, it’s even making me feel sexier. Drake thinks that if I get anymore sexier he might explode. Well, wait till he sees me on Valentine’s Day.
“What are you looking for Nic?” Sherika asked.
“Simple, classy.”
“Well, that narrows it down. Do you know what color or nah?”
“Don’t get smart. Black, but with a lil’ somethin’ somethin’.”
“Much better.”
I rolled my eyes at her, she was having a little too much fun with this.
About an hour later, me and Sherika bought some items. She was giving me this stupid ass smirk every time I would pick somethin’ up, like a blindfold, chill hoe, it’s just a blindfold. We went from the lingerie store to the florist to get some red, pink, and white rose petals. The stupid lookin’ ass lady was smirking at me too, like damn can’t a bitch buy some lingerie and rose petals without being judged.
Sherika and I decided to head back to YOLO Estate, I hate that name, why he gotta call it that? I was hoping Drake wasn’t home just yet, I didn’t want him to spoil the surprise. It’s so hard to surprise that nigga.

Drake's POV40 told me he talked to Nicki. Just great, just fucking great. I love my wife to death but I really didn’t feel like hearing her saying how I shouldn’t have yelled at 40. I had an out of character moment.
Me and 40 pulled in the estate and I dreaded going in the house. I let out a deep sigh and walked in, to my surprise I walk in and see no one, so I yell for Nika. I hear a faint voice say in here. 40 and I follow the voice. We are hit by the aroma of good ole soul food. My girl threw down.
“Hey baby, what’s with all of this?”
“Well, me and Sherika were hungry and she tried to make me something, but she burnt it so-”
“Hey! Be thankful” Sherika interrupted
Me and 40 chuckled as Nicki shouted back.
“Anyway, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, we were hungry and then 40 called and said you were stressed so I figured a nice home cooked meal to come home to would be nice.”
“Thank you baby. It looks delicious.”
“It better, it took me forever so y’all better help yaselves because I ain’t servin’ y’all.”
I just shook my head and kissed her forehead before I said my thank you’s again.
“I owe you one baby.”
“Yes you do. Oh baby don’t forget-”
“Valentine’s Day is tomorrow. I didn’t forget. I would forget a day where I can give my queen all she asks.”
“And that differs from any other day?” 40 chimed in.
I heard Nicki laugh. God, I love her laugh. I fall more and more in love with her each day. I am truly blessed to have her in my life, I almost lost her, I pray I never get that close again.
“Babe!” I heard Nika call out to me.
“I was talking to you. Did you hear me?”
“No I didn’t, I’m sorry, I was thinkin’.”
“Probably over thinking. Go take a nap.”
“Nah baby, I’m good.”
I saw her give me the look and I told her I would after I finish eating.
A little while later I woke up and went to find Nika. I heard her in my office talking on the phone with someone. I heard her say,
‘It’ll for sure be here by tomorrow.’
I told her no gifts. I have the best present a man could have.
“What you doing in here Nika?”
“Oh hey sleepy head. Nothing much just finalizing a few things.”
“Oh like that present you’re getting me.”
“W-What are you talking about?”
“Onika you know exactly what I’m talking about,” I said as I walked over to the big office chair and picked
her up so she could sit on my lap. “I told you, no gifts.”
“Fine you caught me.” She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.
“I want you to un-finalize it.”
“No! Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day!” She exclaimed in her Barbie voice and then pouted.
“Don’t pout at me.” So she give me the pout and the puppy dog eyes.
“Fine! It betta not be big.”
“Pauz. And I can’t make any promises.”
I felt her turn herself so she was straddling me.
“What are you doing?”
“Shh. Lemme take care of you Papi.”
I felt her kiss and suck on my neck, going up to my earlobe, before gently biting it. I dropped my hands
down her big ass and squeezed it. I hear her moan in my ear. Her moans are so sexy.
“Baby I wanna go shower.”
“You do?”
“How do you ask?”
“Papi don’t me beg or I won’t give it up.”
“Don’t threaten me Mami.”
“Or what? You ain’t gonna do nothing.”
I smirked her at talkin’ shit. She always does this. I think she likes being put in her place. I slap my hand down on her ass, the sound of the smack echoing.
“Mmm!” She moaned and bit her lip.
I started attacking her neck with sweet, passionate kisses, while smacking her ass.
“Is that pussy getting nice and wet for me?”
She didn’t make a sound, but I knew. I could feel her wetness on my dick. Her legging were getting soaked.
I struck my hand on her ass one more time, grabbed her hair and bit the top of her breast.”
“Ah! Fuck!” She screamed and started gyrating her hips.
An idea sparked in my mind. I brought my hands to the inside of her things and rubbed them up and down, getting close to her ocean.
“Uhh…Papi.” I heard her breathe out.
“Yes baby?”
“Please stop teasing me.”
“Are you gonna do what I say?”
“Mhmm.” She answered and nodded her head.
I quickly picked her up and brought her upstairs to the master bathroom. We quickly stripped and got in the shower. We made love until the water ran cold, then I pick her up and walked out to the bedroom. I dropped her on the bed and continued making love until she was wore out.
Valentine’s Day
Luckily I woke up before Nicki. I slowly and quietly got out of the bed and went to take a quick shower before starting my surprises for her. I ordered pink roses, white roses and pink calla lily’s. Once I finished showering, I snuck downstairs and started making breakfast.
Just as I was about done, there was a knock at the door. I went to open it and saw man after man bringing in flowers. Once they finished unloading all these flowers, I put Nicki’s food in the microwave and picked some of the bouquets, walked them up the stairs and put them all over our room, then I went back downstairs and finished placing the rest of the flowers before getting Nicki’s food and going to wake her.
“Nika. Wake up baby.” I said as I lightly shook.
She groaned in her sleep but finally her beautiful eyes fluttered open. She sat up and her mouth immediately dropped.
“Are you those for me? Ooh! Is this bacon for me too?”
“No, they’re for me.” I started laughing at the face she gave me. “I’m just kidding baby, it’s yours.”
“Yay!” Nicki cheered and clapped her hands together.
We laughed and talked as I fed her. Reminiscing on how we met and the tour bus days. Man those were the days.
After Nicki got done eating I told her shower and get dressed because I’m taking her out. I told like I always do, hardly any makeup and casual clothes. I finished getting ready in 5 minutes, I was still waiting on Nicki.
“You ready yet?”
“Yeah just 10 more minutes.”
I sighed and took out my phone. I felt her presence by me and I looked up. I was immediately caught off guard by her beauty, she was wearing her natural long black hair and some sexy but casual clothes. Shit made me not even wanna go out no more, real shit.
“Drizzy I’m ready, wipe your drool.”
I smiled her and watched her ass move as she walked away.
“Get cha eyes off my ass nigga.”
“And if I don’t.”
There was a long pause before I said exactly.
I opened the car door and she slid in, I jogged around to the driver’s side and got in.

Nicki's POVWhile me and Drake were shopping I had already made sure his present was gonna be there and set up for tonight. I couldn’t help but smile to myself at the thought of what was gonna happen that night. The look on his face. His moans. The look in his eye. I’m too fucking excited for this, what the fuck is wrong with me?
Anyway, Drake and I grabbed a quick lunch and brought it to the studio so I could waste time. The clock was moving so slow. I wanted to go home so badly and set up but it was too early.
‘We could fuck in the studio’ I thought to myself but quickly got myself together. I need some water or for the A/C to get turned on. It’s gettin’ too hot. I helped Drake figure this song that he was stuck and by the time I got done helping him, I was able to leave, but not without a ton and a half of questions. Nigga damn!!
“I gotta go make sure your present is ready. Just met me home in an hour.”
“Fine. Your time or actual time.”
“Nigga quit getting smart. You seriously don’t want me to cancel this present.”
“I didn’t want one.”
I growled at him and walked out. Stupid ass nigga and his smart ass mouth.
I rushed home and went to the Drake’s new room, what I like to call, ‘The Sex Lounge’. It has chairs, stripper poles, lights, everything. He’s gonna shit a brick when see this and then when he sees me he might pass out. I went into our bedroom and got ready, I grabbed the bag with rose petals. I walked back downstairs and started the trail at the front door, up the stairs and finally stopping at door to his new room. I dimmed the lights and left little clues for him to find me. I quickly went back to The Sex Lounge and waited for him.
30 Minutes Later
I heard footsteps outside the room, I smiled to myself. I positioned myself sexily leaning against the stripper pole. The door knob turned and in walked my husband. His mouth dropped and he froze.
“Hey baby.”
“Uh uhm hi.”
“Aww speechless?”
He just nodded.
“Come in baby this is part one to your present.”
“Really?” He choked out.
“Mhmm. I told you, you wouldn’t want me to cancel this present.”
“Come sit down.” I sexily sauntered over to him. I grabbed his hand and escorted him to a front row seat, right in front of the pole. “Are you comfy?”
“Do you want to open the rest of your present?”
I felt Drake’s hands pull the satin belt, making my robe fall to ground and expose my little outfit for him. I slowly turned and gave him a view before turning on my heels, turning on Beyonce’s song Dance For You and started working the pole. I watched as his eyes trailed my every move. I climbed up the pole and slid down into a full split. I heard cuss and saw him rub his bulge. I wondered how much of this he could take. Soon, I left the pole and sashayed to him. I went around him and started sucking and biting his neck, while rubbing my hands down his chest and dragging my nails back up. I swung leg around his shoulder and pulled his head back. His eyes were close and he bit his bottom lip. I walked back to the front and started whining and grinding to beat until I felt him pull me to him so I was straddling him. I lowered myself on him and leaned my head to his ear.
“Can’t take anymore baby? You want me? Take me! It’s yours.”
With that being said, he unclipped my bra with one hand and slid his other in my panties, rubbing my clit. I couldn’t help but moan. God, it felt so good.
I heard him yell to me. I felt my body tense and shake as I was falling into my orgasm. Before I could recover he slid two fingers in me and pumped them hard and fast. He kept bringing close, but before I could cum he would slow down.
“Look at me.” He instructed.
I opened my eyes and bit my lip. I couldn’t stop myself from riding his fingers. I needed him inside me now.
“Papi please.”
“Please what?”
“Make me cum! Papi please!”
My mouth hung open when I felt plunge his fingers in me again. I pushed my eyebrows together and tried my best not to close my eyes. I laid my forehead on his and bucked my hips.
He picked me up and put me down in the chair. He took his shirt off and pulled my panties off, yet again ripping them. His mouth immediately went to my ocean and drank all my juices that flowing out, driving me into multiple orgasms. I heard him undo his belt buckle and I started begging for it. I needed it now.
“Please give it to me.”
“You want him.”
“Yes! I want to feel you inside me. I want my walls to contract around your thick, big dick.”
“I love it when you talk dirty.”
I yelped when he thrusted inside with no warning. I started screaming, feeling myself about to cum already.
“Papi! I’m g-gonna c-cummmm!”
“Come on baby, make that dick nice and wet for me.”
He sped up his pace and I couldn’t stop cumming. I came so hard, I squirted my juices all over him.
“Fuck yes baby! Just like that.”
He withdrew and wrapped his hand around himself, sliding my juices off his dick.
“Look at all this cum baby.” I looked at his drenched fingers and grabbed his hand before he could bring them to his mouth.
After I licked my cum off his finger, I took him into my mouth, taking as much of him as could into my throat. Soon, he pulled my head off of him so he could step out of his pants and shoes. He sat back down on the chair and I quickly straddled him. He slammed me on his dick, making him plunge deep in me.”
“Roll your hips baby. Ride that shit.”
I followed his orders and brought myself to multiple orgasms. Only small waves of pleasure came over me, he could only bring me to powerful and euphoric orgasms.
Hours had passed and I was in his favorite position, I started bouncing my ass for him, putting on another show. I felt his hand strike my ass, juices started dripping my down my legs. How he could make me cum with just spanking me was beyond me, but God did I love it.
“I want it in please Papi. I want more.”
He slowly pushed into me. I let out a long moan. My moans soon started to escalate as he thrusted hard and deep in me, making my cum. He reached around my hips and rubbed my clit. My legs started shaking, I started screaming as he made me cum over and over.
“You ready for me now?”
I let out a weak yes and nodded my head. He pulled out and slammed back in me. I mentally started counting and started talking to him dirty.
He pulled out on the second and steadied himself for the third. His hand reached my clit again at the same time he thrusted into me, making me collapse on the chair and almost fall out of it.
“Oh f-fuck!” I panted.
I looked up at him and brought my fingers to my wet, swollen pussy. I pushed my fingers inside me, getting some of his cum on my fingers before pulling out and sticking them into my mouth.
“Happy Valentine’s Day Papi.”
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