Nicki's POV
I sat uncomfortably on Shawn’s lap as they laughed and joked around, but that same guy wouldn’t stop staring. I got more and more nervous.
“Shawn, can we leave now?” I whispered.
He just pinched my thigh. I winced at the pain and kept my mouth shut, as told. I cleared my throat and everyone stared at me.
“Can I use the- uhm, washroom?” I said lowly.
They all started to laugh. I looked at them confused.
“Nobody gives a fuck, barbie!” A girl yelled.
I grabbed my bag and got up to leave but Shawn pulled me back.
“Aye, no funny business.” I looked at him and nodded. His grip got tighter.
“I MEAN IT.” He cleared his throat.
I looked at him with fear still in my eyes. I nodded and he let go. I walked down this never ending hallway, trying to find the washroom. When I finally found it, I walked in and locked the door behind me.
“What the fuck…?” I whispered as I looked around. It was a pigsty. Honestly filthy. Like how the fuck can you miss the fucking toilet? I didn’t even need to use the washroom. All I needed to do was get my phone and text Aubrey. I know I was rude to him, but I needed him the most right now.
“Aubrey, Please! I don’t know where I am, I’m scared, and need help! Shawn took me to some place, And all these sketchy people. Please just find me!” I texted.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
“Hurry the fuck up, Barbie!” I heard the girl scream. I flushed the toilet to make it like I was going to the washroom. I washed my hands, and opened the door.
“Damn bitch. You feeding a village in here?”
She pushed me out of the way and slammed the door in my face. I turned and saw the same guy that was staring at me before.
“We meet again.” He grabbed my waist.

Shawn's POV
“Get your fucking hands off of her!” I yelled at this nigga trying to take my girl.
“I was just helping her find her way back. Chill lil nigga.”
“Look here you piece of shit. She’s mine, my property, next time you touch her I will fuck you up.”
“You got ya ass beat twice by that Jewish boy.”
I heard Nicki try to stifle a laugh. This bitch gon get it.
I grabbed Onika’s arm and pulled her down the hall with me.
“Will you slow down and let go of my arm?” She yelled.
“Shut up! I ain’t done with yo ass yet.”
“What the hell did I do but use the restroom?”
I opened and unlocked door and shoved her inside. She needs to get one thing straight. She is mine and she better start saying so. I’m tired of having to hurt niggas and come and get her ass. I ain’t on that light skin bullshit. I shut the door and pushed her against the wall.
“Look bitch, you are mine and mine only. Speak the fuck up with some random nigga try to be all on you. I tired of saving ya fat ass. You want that knight and shining amour shit, check that yellow nigga Aubrey, oh that’s right you can’t. I guess the dreamhouse came crashing down on you huh Barbie?”
She just stared at me with this blank expression. I hate when she does that shit so I slapped her.
“Quit lookin’ at me like that.”
She held her cheek, fighting her tears, weak ass bitch and I thought she was a bad bitch.
“Quit fucking hitting me!” She screamed in my face.
I was about to say something but she punched me in the stomach, then gave me a uppercut, and ended everything by kicking the shit out of my balls.
“I’m surprised you could feel that since you have no balls. Fucking pussy.” Nicki told me.
I would’ve grabbed her ass, but she whooped my ass. Yellow nigga been teachin’ her how to fight. I got something for both they asses.

Drake's POV
I got suspended and now I’m grounded. I’m locked in this hellhole I call a home. I just want Nika here. I want shit back to the way it was. I want us to lay on my bed and talk about everything or nothing at all. I need to talk to her, but I gotta find a way around my parents and Ami. I wonder if Nika got home okay. I didn’t see her on the path or at school after I was finally released from the office. That asshole Camry better not have done anything bad to her, I will beat the shit outta him.
I decided to do some work since I ain’t got shit else to do. I pulled my books out of my backpack and flipped to the current page. I couldn’t concentrate. My thoughts were clouded by Nika. I had a horrible feeling she was in trouble. I reached into my pocket to retrieve my cellphone, but I forgot my mom took it.
“DAMMIT!” I yelled in frustration while banging my hands on my desk.
“Aubrey what is with all the commotion up here?” My mom asked. I got nothing to say to her. Her and my
dad fucked things up with me and Nika.
“Aubrey answer me! It’s rude and disrespectful to ignore me!”
“It’s rude and disrespectful of you and dad to do take Nika anyway from me, ignore our pleas, ignore the fact that your son is not happy.”
“Excuse me, who the hell are you talking to like that?”
“I don’t see anyone else here but you,”
Yeah that was the wrong thing say because my cheek stung as she slapped me across the face, but oh well shit had to be said.
“I will NOT tolerate this behavior from you. You may be 6’2 but I will still whoop you. Don’t play with me Aubrey.” She exclaimed and walked out.
I’m done with this shit. I went after her to finish talking because I wasn’t done yet. There has been shit I’ve held in for so long, I need to get this off my chest.
“Go to your room.”
“No! We need to talk.”
“I don’t feel like talking to you right now.”
“Fine then listen please. Me and Nika are unhappy. These people that you set us up with are disgusting. They put on this act of being good but they’re not. And don’t you dare say it’s because they are our future spouses because they will never be, maybe on paper but not in my heart. Onika owns that and always will. Me and Nika will not stop talking to one another or seeing one another just because of this arranged marriage bull crap.”
“Wait til your father hears about this.”
“Oh stop with the ‘wait til your father hears about this’ I am 17 damn near an adult, that don’t work on me. I need my phone back because I think Nicki is in trouble.”
“How do you know?”
“Because she wasn’t still at school when I got out of the office and she wasn’t on the path, which all means she’s with Camry and he tried to hurt her once, he’ll do it again.”
“Maybe she’s with her friends, or at home, or with Shawn, because that’s her husband.”
“He is not! She’s not with her friends because they told me she left already! I just know something is wrong and not right. If you love Onika and me as much as you say you do you will give me my phone just for today!”
She hesitated but she finally gave me my phone. “Just this once Aubrey.” She warned pointing her finger in my face.
I nodded trying to hide the smile on my face. She went back to concentrate on what she was doing. I turned and walked back to my room. I closed the door behind me and turned on my phone. I suddenly saw a bunch of notifications from “Onika♥”.
I swiped my screen left and put in my password as fast as I could. I scrolled and saw all her messages. I started to panic, thinking what could be going on with her.
“Ci!” I yelled as I banged on her door.
She swung it open and scowled at me.
“Nigga, do you want to get clapped?” She warned me.
I laughed but her expression was still the same; pissed.
“Look Ci, I’m sorry. But I need your help!” She softened and nodded her head signaling me to walk in her room. I looked around at all the pictures plastered on her wall. I listened as frank ocean filled her room.
“Whoa ci, you seriously changed this room up…”
She crossed her arms and shrugged. I walked and sat her bed. ” so, did you see onika after school?” I asked. “Yeah, she was with Shawn and his crew.” She came and sat beside me.
“Do you have any idea where she could have gone?” I started to panic.
She looked at me with widened eyes. “Ciara, shes in trouble. I need to know where she is!” I slightly yelled.
“I dont know! probably the warehouse!” She yelled.
The warehouse?

Nicki's POV
“STOP SHAWN!” I tried to push him off. He didnt budge.
“You wanna be tough?! HUH!?” He yelled in my face.
I heard the banging on the door.
“HEY CAMRY. CALM DOWN IN THERE.” Someone yelled on the other side of the door.
“GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!” Shawn yelled.
He looked back at me and grabbed my cheeks with such a strong force. He turned my head and made me face him. I kept my scowl at him. He stared straight towards my eyes and didn’t say a word. With all my might, I spat on his face. He kept his hand on my face and used the other to wipe the saliva off his face. He then let go and slapped me with full force. I felt my body hit the floor. He bent down and flipped my body around; holding my arms down. he brought his face near my mine and rammed his lips onto mine.
I tried to fight him off. Soon, he stopped kissing me and I spat on him again. I could hear people trying break the door.
Finally, the door broke and his boy’s got him off of me. I picked myself off the ground and ran out of the room, trying to desperately find the door out of here.
Suddenly, I felt my iPhone vibrate. I immediately took it out of my pocket and unlocked it. Thank Jesus Aubrey texted me back!
« How did you know where I was?
» Ci, I’ll explain later stay put and be quiet.
« Ok Aubbie I love you.
» Love you too always have always will
I locked my phone and let what he said sink in. I was lucky to have him. I basically shut him out and chose Shawn over him. Maybe that was because I thought he chose Ami over me. I was stupid to think that.
There’s gotta be something going on with Ami and Shawn, it just makes sense. The whole Ami kissing Drake thing and Shawn and I just happened to be there. Something’s up. But I don’t have time to think about that right now, I just need to follow instructions. I heard the boys coming out the room and I hid in a nearby closet. I covered my mouth and sat in the corner. I felt the tears sink down my cheeks as I heard Camry screaming my name.
“Nigga, calm down!" A girl yelled.
“Where the fuck is she!?" He ignored her. I then heard a door bust open.
“NICKI!" I heard Aubrey yell. I removed my hand from my face and opened the closet door. I ran over to Ciara.
"The fuck you doing here." Camry yelled.
"Taking Onika home." Ciara yelled.
"Was I talking to you bitch?” Camry looked straight at Ciara, then at me. “Dont make me whoop ya’ ass again." Aubrey stepped closer to him. I pulled him back.
"Aubbie, let’s just go." I whispered.
"Naw Onika, you ain’t going nowhere." Shawn walked over and grabbed me by the arm. I screamed in pain. Aubrey then, punched Shawn; making him loose his grip. Ciara and I took this as our chance to run. We ran into Aubrey’s car. We could hear the yelling and punching all the way from outside. The girls frantically screaming, guys trying to break them up. But then, all the noise stopped.
“Oh my god!!!" We heard a girl shriek. Ci and I looked at each other and ran back inside. My mouth flew open when I saw.
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