Nicki's POV
We all crowded around the scene. My heart sunk to the bottom of my shoe from the sight before me. My mouth went dry, time froze. I couldn’t believe this just happened. Why? You ask. Because of me.
I saw blood starting pool around Drake. I wanted to cry and scream but I couldn’t. Nothing would come out; fear had paralyzed me. I felt Ciara screaming and shaking me. I finally snapped out of my daze and Shawn was no where to be found. Them hoes were gone, but some of his boys stayed.
“NICKI WHAT DO WE DO?!” One of Shawn’s boys, Terrance exclaimed.
“Uh…um, Did anyone call 911?!”
“No.” Said multiple people.
Everyone started scrambling around trying to find a phone while me, Ci and Terrance were applying pressure to Drake’s gunshot wound. He started groaning and grunting in pain. I prayed that the ambulance hurry the fuck up. If Drake died, I would go crazy, I don’t think I could live. Then I thought about his parents and his sister, what would they do.
“NIC! HIS EYES ARE CLOSING!!!” Ciara screamed at me.
“No, no! Drake! Look at me,Baby look at me! You need to stay awake!” I moved my blood covered hands to his cheeks and leaned closer.
“Tell me something, talk to me, just don’t close your eyes!”
“Nika I’m tired.” He choked out.
I took a deep breath to hold back my tears. I needed to be strong right now. This is not the time to break down. I can do that in private.
“I know you are Aubz. Just hold on a little longer. Tell me about what happened at school. How long were you in the office?”
“Since ah, lunch. I was getting lectured and got my punishment. I’m suspended for a week, my mom took my phone, and I’m grounded.” He stuttered.
“You hear that baby? The sirens?”
“Ah..uh yeah.”
“They’re right outside. They’re gonna load you up and take you to the hospital. You’re gonna be okay.”
Drake rose his arm, holding out his hand, I grabbed it and held on tightly.
“I love you Nika.”
“I love you too.” I replied before the paramedics came in and took over.
They quickly loaded him up in the stretcher and wheeled him out of the warehouse. Ci told me to ride with him while she go home and tell her parents. I sat on the little seat by the end of ambulance. Still holding his hand, I saw the paramedic in the back with us hook Drake up to the monitor to watch his vitals. He was doing good and we were almost there, until his respiration level started going down. My attention went from the screen to Drake, I saw his haze over. The paramedic immediately got an oxygen mask on him. The monitor started making all these beeps. Then I heard the horrid sound. A steady beep. He had flatlined. I immediately went into panic mode.

Drake's POV
I woke up to the sound of constant beeping. The lights burned my eyes and made my head hurt. My eyes finally focused and I saw my mom, my dad and Ci sitting around me. I attempted to move and was met with immediate pain. When I groaned everyone urgently came to my side. My dad said he was going to get the doctor.
“Mom, Ci why am I in here? And why does it look like you were crying?”
“A-Aubrey you got shot. Ciara called 911 and then us. You almost…passed in the ambulance. ” My mother croaked out through a shaky voice.
“I almost lost you big bro.” Ciara sniffled.
“Nah Ci you wouldn’t, and even if you did I would still torment you on the other side.”
I heard them laugh and I tried but the pain ruined that.
“Laughing hurts, doesn’t it?” The doctor said as he walked in.
“Yeah pretty much everything does.”
“Yes. I’m glad you’re awake. I’m just gonna look over everything and I’ll let you get back to your family.”
“Alright lemme know if you need anything.”
“Wait. I need something.”
“What can I do for you?”
“When can I leave? I don’t like hospitals.”
“I’m sorry Aubrey but you’re gonna have to be here for a couple days.”
“Well this is wonderful.”
“He means thank you doctor.” My mom chimed in.
“Yeah sorry, thank you for all you did.”
“Of course, have a nice evening.”
“Hey Ci?”
“Did we ever make it to get Nika?”
My mom and dad looked at each other and then at the ground.
“Ciara did we or didn’t we?”
“Yes. She rode with you to the hospital.”
“So she saw me almost…die.” Everyone looked away;silent.
“Where is she?” I spoke up. I need answers.
“She waited until we got here and then she left. She said she couldn’t face you because it was her fault you
got shot.” My father spoke up.
“Why would she think that?!” Everyone stayed silent again.
“Well, it kind of-” I cut my mom off by raising my hand.
“Go get her.”
“Son, I don’t think we can do that.”
“Why not?!”
“Now, Aubrey don’t raise your voice. Just give her time to process this. Think about it. She’s been through a lot in the past few hours.”
“Yeah and been through a lot ever since this arranged marriage bullcrap.”
“Aubrey don’t start this again!” My mother warned.
“Why can’t you see neither of them are happy?!” Ciara hollered at them.
“Ciara!” both my parents yelled.
“What?! It’s true! Drake and Nicki have both said it! They are miserable! I have never seen my brother like this before and that goes for Nika too! They both aren’t themselves anymore!” Both my parents looked at each other, and then back at Ci.
“They are the happiest when they are together! Always have been and you know it!”
“Get the hell out! When you figure out who the fuck you are talking to, you can come back.” My mom stepped up to her with her painted finger raised. Ciara huffed before storming out and slamming the door. I glared at my parents before shaking my head and turning away from them.
“I wish that damn bullet killed me.”

Shawn's POV
I smiled as everyone congratulated and patted me on the back. Everyone’s laughter seemed to get louder as they kept reenacting the crime that just went down. I kept it all smiles but inside I was terrified. I didnt mean to actually shoot ‘em. Just scare him enough to back the fuck up. I just wanted him to surrender. What have I done? And Onika, oh man…Onika. She must hate me, but then again she always did.
“Yo Camry!” My thoughts were interrupted by my boy, Safaree.
“What chu plan on doing now?” I looked at him confused.
“They all gon’ rat you out.” My other boy, Nas added. I nodded and looked away.
“iion, man. I just know that yella’ nigga aint gon fuck wit’ me.” I smiled as everyone reacted. ‘Ayeeeeee’. I smiled but I knew it was nothing to smile about.

I stood in my washroom. I stared at the reflection. All I saw was tragedy. I didnt wipe the tears, when they fell. I let them drop to the tile flooring. I looked down and saw the razor blade. I looked at the very faded cuts on the back of my arms. I couldn’t look at them any longer. So many thoughts popped into my head. We could be together, in heaven. No Camry, No Ami. Just Aubrey and I. Flying with the angels for eternal life. I could feel the edges on my mouth start to rise, but they quickly released when flashbacks popped into my head. His blood circling, my hands, covered. I brought my hands to my head as I shook my head; pulling it down with my hair.
“STOP!” I yelled. I felt myself collapse onto the cold floor. I cried and cried. I’m the reason why the man I love is in a hospital bed.
“Onika…you ok?” I heard my mom knock. I stayed in my spot;silent.
“Uhm, were going to the hospital to see Aubrey. Do you want to come?” I dont know. I want to and dont at the same time. Can I handle it? My thoughts were again interrupted by my mom.
“Onika, open this door.” I sat up and hid my razor. If my mom saw it, she would freak out, not as much as Aubrey did. I opened the door and walked past my mother. Ignoring her, I grabbed my shoes and sweater and walked downstairs. I went inside the car and buckled up. Let’s do this.
We got to the hospital and I saw Ci sitting alone in the waiting room. I made eye contact with her and looked away. I walked down the hall with my parents and opened the door to his room. I walked in and Aubrey’s parents looked up. Both our parents nodded and stayed silent. Aubrey looked over at me and tried to move.
“‘Nika…” He whispered. I weakly smiled.
“Can I talk to Onika, alone?” Everyone obeyed Aubrey’s command and left the room. I stood in place.
“Camry did this?” He asked. I nodded and looked down.
“Come.” He winced at the pain, but kept moving over. I shook my head ‘no’ but he patted the bed;insisting.
I slowly walked over and layed down next to him. I hugged him.
“I’m so fucking sorry, Aubrey.” I cried into his shoulder. He just shh’d me and told me it wasn’t my fault, but I knew it was. I looked back up at him. He wiped my tears and I smiled. I leaned in and kissed him. I pulled away and layed my head back on his chest.
“Can we just go back to normal?” I asked.
“We could give it a- shot.” He said putting emphasis on the word “shot”. I giggled and looked up at him.
“You’re such a cornball.” He leaned down and kissed me;and I kissed him back.
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