Onika and Aubrey woke up Monday morning and dreaded going to school, not just because it was a Monday, but because they had to spend the whole school week seeing Ami and Shawn. If they didn’t that meant they both were to be put on punishment and the only people they could see was their parents and their future husband and wife.
They both got out of their beds and did their morning routines before putting on their uniforms and trudging down the step to the kitchen for breakfast.
Breakfast was awkward. Neither one of them had anything to say to their parents. They couldn’t see how
unhappy their children were or if they did, they certainly didn’t care. Drake couldn’t wrap his mind around how they didn’t pick Nicki. He didn’t understand why they picked some random girl that neither of them knew.
Then, Drake began wondering what Nicki was to him. Was she more than a best friend? Did they fool around because of the playful relationship they have or was it something else?
“Son we’re talking to you.” Drake’s father, Dennis stated.
Drake looked at him and pushed his plate of breakfast to the middle of the table.
“That’s nice.” Drake replied and grabbed his book bag and walked out the front door, making his way to his and Nicki’s meet up spot.

I tried to ignore them going on and on about Shawn. I don’t understand where they get this nice boy imagine.
He’s nothing like a nice, polite boy. Aubrey is.
Wait, why did I just compare the two? Does that mean Aubrey is more than a friend to me? Do I chalk my behavior up to it just being our playful friendship that we have? Does he mean more to me? I see a future with him.
My thoughts were rudely interrupted by my parents.
“Why are you ignoring us?”
I looked at them like they have 5 heads. Why am I ignoring them?! They are ruining my life and they couldn’t give a fuck about it.
“Ugh I’m not hungry.” I ignored their question and got up from the table, grabbing my backpack on my way out the front door.
I prayed that Aubrey was at our spot already because I needed him.
I finally got close enough to our spot and I saw a tall figure and another slightly shorter figure. My heart sank when I figured out it was Aubrey and Shawn.
“What the fuck are you doing here you dickwipe?!” I yelled running towards them.
“Aww you guys didn’t think I knew about this little hangout you have.”
“Do I have to reiterate myself?”
I pushed him, but it didn’t faze him
“You’re my future wife right? So why are you meeting him?”
“Because I always do, he’s my best friend and I love him. Not you.”
I felt Aubrey’s eyes hit me as I said those words; I love him.
“This marriage is going to be feisty. Imma put that ass in place girl.”
He said stepping forward. I moved back a little in fear.
“No you won’t. The moment you touch is the same moment when I drop kick ya ass,” Drake jumped in.
“No wait, lemme rephrase that the moment you even think about it is when I lay ya ass out. Got that? She ain’t some hoe.”
Drake grabbed him and moved him away from me. Drake grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Camry. I listened to him mumble to himself about what just happened.
I wrapped my arms around him as we walked towards school.
“He’s a fucking asshole!” He exclaimed.
“Please, tell me something I don’t already know.” I replied before sitting down on the bench outside of our school.
“I see why you hate him.”
“Yeah, then my parents were talking about how amazing and polite is and blah blah blah.” I gagged after I told Drake what my parents said this morning. He chuckled and shook his head.
“My parents did the same thing, my dad was like ‘Son we’re talking to you.’ Why should I listen to anything they have to say to me? They are literally trying to take me away from someone I love and probably can’t live without.”
My stomach instantly got butterflies when I heard what he said about me. I looked over at him and smiled lightly, but before I could say anything the bell rang and me and Drake had to part ways.
After two boring ass classes, I met Aubrey on the rooftop. We sat in the corner together and laughed at memories we had together. Aubrey had brought chocolate covered strawberries; my favorite.
“Mmmm, Aubrey. These are delicious!” I said while biting into one. He smiled and nodded his head.
“I’m gonna miss you, Aubrey.” I gave him a hug.
“I’m not going anywhere,” He chuckled softly.
“Yeah, but graduation is soon, and we have to-” He cut me off with a kiss.
“I’m not, going anywhere.” He restated. I nodded and kissed him again. The bell rang.
“Except to science.” He said getting up. He grabbed my hand and helped me up. I giggled. Forgetting about our problems, we walked hand and hand in the hallways. I could hear people whistling and whispering in the background, but I honestly didn’t care. Aubrey stopped in front of my Math class.
“You didn’t have to walk me to class, you’re gonna be late for Science.” I said still holding his hands.
“The more time I delay, the less time I have to see Ami.” I giggled and kissed him. He kissed my cheek again and opened the door for me. I waved at him as I closed the door. I turned and saw everyone staring at me.
“What?” I asked. Everyone just continued to ‘oooooooh’. I rolled my eyes and sat down next to my friends.

Drake's POV
I was taking my sweet time getting to science. I wasn’t up for Ami right now. I walked in and scanned the room, and obviously the only spot left was right next to her. I sighed heavily and sat down. She smiled and waved at me. I nodded and looked towards the board. She ripped a piece of paper and wrote on it. I looked at her as she hit my arm and sent it to me. I opened it and it read,
“I can’t wait till our honeymoon ;)” I crumbled it and threw it in my bag, since there was no garbage near me, and I didn’t wanna walk up to the front. She then brought her leg towards me and started rubbing it up and down my leg. I looked over at her with a disturbed face. She just bit on her pencil and winked at me. I moved my desk.
“Mr.Graham, is there a problem?” The teacher said. The whole class looked at me. I shook my head ‘no.’ and they all looked away and I sunk into my seat.

Nicki's POV
Aubrey and I were walking home and everything was fine- until I heard him yelling in the background.
“Hey!! ONIKA!” Aubrey and I stopped in our tracks and turned around, there he was, staring at our hands which happened to be intertwined.
“Oh my fucking God Camry! What do you want?!” I was so fed up with him.
“Why the fuck is everyone saying that your Drake’s girl?” I heard the anger in his voice and slightly moved back, hiding behind Aubrey.
“Because she is.” Aubrey stood up for me. I looked up at Aubrey, not believing what just came out of his mouth, he wouldn’t look back at me thought, he was too busy staring Camry dead in the eyes, almost wishing that nigga would.
Camry walked closer to us. Aubrey wasn’t scared, but I was.
“Was I talking to you?” He got up in his face. I stopped hiding and tried to push Camry away. In response he shoved me to the ground.
“Ow!” I yelled, hitting the stone hard trail. Aubrey stopped and came down to me, making sure I was okay.
“Didn’t I say I was gonna put you in line?!” He yelled. Aubrey got back up and punched him. That’s what started the huge fight. I was screaming with terror trying to break them apart.
Somehow I managed to get Aubrey off of Shawn.
“FUCKING PSYCHO!” I yelled kicking him. Man, did that feel good. I started browsing Aubreys mild bruising.
“You okay? You sure?” I kept repeating. He just kept nodding his head. I looked back at Shawn who was still angry.
“Get over it nigga, you lost.” I told Camry.
I walked in with Aubrey, into my home. I ignored my mom, with all her stupid questions. Being polite was not my main focus. I pulled him into my room and shut the door. I sat him on the bed and examined him some more.
“Ouch…” I whispered to myself. I walked over to my bathroom and grabbed the first-aid kit in my cabinet. I started patching him up and kissing all his bruises.
“I’m so fucking sorry Aubrey.” He shrugged it off.
“It’s fine. I’m just happy to see you.” He smiled and sat me on top of him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I smiled back at him. I leaned in and kissed him.
“Awh, Aubs. I missed you.” I said between kisses.
“I missed you too.” He said. He pulled away and smiled.
“How was Science?” I asked getting off his lap and laying beside him.
“Hell. How was Math?”
“Everyone was talking about us, the whole class.”
“We’re the new Jay & Beyonce now?” He chuckled and laid beside me. I giggled and nodded.
“I guess so Drizzy-Z.” I laughed at the face he had made.
“Okay, you are not allowed to call me corny again.” Drake said while laughing.
“Whatever.” I playfully rolled my eyes.

Drake's POV
I started to think about what I said when the altercation with me and Camry happened. I didn’t for it to come out like that. Well, I did, but I wanted to tell her in private, make it our moment, that she’ll remember for life.
“Hey Nic?”
“Hmm?” She looked up at me with her beautiful brown eyes.
“I was uh… wondering if um, you wanted to talk about what I said.”
“The me being your girlfriend thing?” I heard her say under her breath.
“Yeah.” I stared back at her.
“Okay, what about it?”
“I didn’t mean for it to come out like that.” I looked away
“O-Oh yeah, you probably meant girl that’s a friend.”
I turned my head so I was looking at her, I saw her swallow and fidget with her fingers before getting up and going to her retrieve her work from her bookbag. I ran my hands down my face. I didn’t want her to take it like that.
“Nic wait-.”
“We should start our work before my parents come up here and we get in trouble.”
“No Nika. I wanna talk to you.”
“Drake it’s okay. I just misunderstood.”
I couldn’t finish saying her name without me hearing her door open. In walked, my mom, my dad, Nicki’s mom and her dad, Ami and that nigga Shawn. I knew this couldn’t be good.
Onika look over at me and I saw the worried look on her face. We didn’t make the effort to hang out with
Ami or Shawn today. Plus, the fight that happened. We were fucked.
“Hi mom and dad.” Nicki greeted. “And hi Mrs. Graham and Mr. Graham.”
“Hey ma, hey dad. What brings you and uh… them over?”
“Well Aubrey, Shawn here told me about the hassle you we’re giving him today.” Nicki’s mother, Carol said.
“Did he tell you what he did to Nicki?” I stared at him.
“He said you did that.”
“I did not! Mom you know I wouldn’t do something like that to Nicki.”
“Aubrey you are known to have a jealous streak.”
“Are you serious right now?!” I stood up,but I felt Nicki hold me back.
“Yes son she is, and Ami said you were very rude to her today.” My dad added.
“I wasn’t rude. I was civil. That’s what people do when they don’t like another person.”
“Onika, Shawn also told me you were rude to him and pushed him. You didn’t even hang out with him at all today did you?” Carol accused.
“No ma’am. But Aubrey didn’t push me down I swear. Shawn did. He’s not the good boy you think he is. My Aubrey is. He is 10 times better than Shawn could ever wish to be.”
“Onika hush that up! Aubrey is not your husband, Shawn is.”
“No Shawn isn’t. Even if we have to get married. To me, he isn’t and will not be my husband!” I’ve never seen Onika go off at her parents.
“Um Nicki, I’m sorry but you’re crossing the line. Aubrey is my husband.” Ami butted in. She walked right up to Onika’s face.
“Was anyone talking to you?! No. So shut up!” Onika pushed her. Damn.
“Onika that’s enough!” Nicki’s father, Robert screamed.
“No that’s not enough! You don’t care! Me and Aubrey are unhappy!! We don’t want to marry them. We don’t want to have anything to do with them!! Why are you doing this to us?! Do you not care or love us anymore?!” Nicki screamed back. I heard her voice crack and tears start to well up. That broke my heart. I could tolerate Ami, but Nicki and Shawn have history, bad history. I can’t do anything to make it right or make her feel better. It’s obvious they stopped caring, and Nicki relies on me to make her feel better.
“I SAID ENOUGH ONIKA!” Her dad got her shook.
Nicki jumped and tear poured out her eyes when her father yelled at her. It was a very awkward silence; minus Onika's cries.
"You know what? Fuck this.” Everyone looked at Onika as if she had three heads. Did she seriously just say that? In front of our parents?
"What did you just say?" Her mom yelled.
“FUCK, THIS.” Onika yelled at her mom while shoving clothes in her bookbag. Shawn walked over to her and tried to stop her. Nicki pushed his hand away and kicked him in the balls. I tried to stifle a laugh.
“ALRIGHT THAT’S IT! EVERYBODY OUT!” Her father yelled. We all started walking out, But her father stopped Her & Me.
"Not you two." Robert sternly said. Onika shrugged his hand off.
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