Nicki's POV
“Have a good time in class bae.” He said as he kissing my cheek. I gave a weak smile and waved him off. I was about to open the door before I felt my arm being yanked. They pulled me around the corner; I was about to scream, but they had already covered my mouth. I turned to find Aubrey.
“Are you stupid?! You scared the shit out of me.” I lowly whispered. He just stared at me.
“Aubrey?” I asked. He just leaned in and kissed me. I quickly shoved him off.
“Fucking idiot! They have cameras here!” I looked around to make sure we weren’t being watched. I hit him on the arm.
“Aubrey. You’re making me miss Drama. What do you want?!”
“Are you falling for Shawn?” He just came right out and said it.
“Are you. Falling for…Shawn?” He demanded a response. But before I could answer, Ami came walking towards us.
“Ms. Howards says she wants you in class Onika.” She crossed her hands. I scowled at her and looked back at Aubrey.
“We’ll talk later, okay?” He nodded at me and I nodded back. I brushed past Ami and walked to class. I felt her eyes burn holes in my back as she followed behind. I opened the door and said my apologies to
Ms.Howards. I sat in my seat and got out my notebooks. I felt my phone vibrate.
“Text From: Aubz ❤”
The screen flashed. I looked down and sighed. I looked back at the teacher. He back was facing me, which gave me time to swipe and read the message.
“Is now later?” He texted. I felt the corners of my cheek arise, but I quickly hid my phone, because I could feel Ami over my shoulder.
“Can I help you?” I looked over at her.
“As a matter of fact, you can. Do you mind not talking to my husband? Thank you.” Ami turned back around and finished doodling ”
Ami + Drizzy, in her notebook. I rolled my eyes and texted back.
“No, but lunch is. ☺” I turned my phone off and threw it in my bag before Ms. Howards turned back around.
» Bell Rings //Lunch time
I got up from seat and put all my binders back in my bookbag. I threw it over my shoulder and walked out the door.
“Nika!” I turned and saw Shawn already waiting for me. I walked over and was about to hug him, but he had planted one on me. I pushed him away.
“What ‘Nika?” He slapped my butt and I jumped.
I saw him and his friends laughing. I got furious. Who the fuck is Shawn Camry? One minute he’s the sweetest guy you’ll ever meet, and then the next I just want to stab him with a pitchfork. Up the ass. I rolled my eyes and turned to walk away. I heard the guys go ‘ohhhhhh’. Too fucking extra.
“Better check yo girl!” One of his friends yelled. I just kept walking.
“ONIKA! GET BACK OVER HERE!” I heard him yell. Who the fuck he orderin’ at? Do I look like a dog to you? I chucked up the peace sign and yelled back.
“Deuces!” I turned the corner and went to the rooftop, thinking Aubrey wouldn’t see me in the lunch room and come up here, but to my displeasure no sign of Aubrey. I looked at my phone, and there were no recent messages. Where was he? I walked down to the door and waited. 5 minutes…10 minutes… 15 minutes…
I shook my head and wiped my tears away. I should’ve known better. I walked out the door and walked to my locker. I, then saw Ciara, Aubrey’s sister.
“Hey Ci, have you seen Aubrey?” I tried to make it as if I wasn’t crying, but I knew she could tell. I was happy she didn’t comment on it.
“Oh yeah, he was with-” She just stopped in mid sentence.
“With who?!” I yelled, I fazed her a bit. I apologized and tried to tame myself a bit.
“With who, Ci.”

Drake's POV
I sat at mine and Nicki’s usual lunch table. I looked around for her, but I didn’t see her, only Shawn and his boys. If he’s supposed to be her husband why ain’t he looking for her? Or at least showing that he actually cares. He disgusts me, I now see where Nicki was always coming from when his name was brought up. Her signature eye roll, the lip curl, the fake gag, everything.
“Where is she?”
“Oh babe you were looking for me!” Ami said surprising me.
“No I wasn’t.” I stated. I didn’t care if it was rude. She fucked up my whole relationship with Nicki.
Whether that be friends or something more. She won’t even talk to me. She’s probably not here at lunch to avoid me and everyone.
“Oh well who are you lookin’ for?”
“Why not?”
“God Aubrey! When are you gonna get through your big head?! She is no longer in the picture, I am your wife!”
“Are you serious? She is always in the picture, my picture. You are not.
I saw her mouth open in shock as the people hissed and ‘ohhhh’d’ in the background.
“I lost my appetite.” And with that, I grabbed my backpack and my lunch tray, dumped the food in the garbage on my way out of the lunchroom.
I was hoping to run into her in the hall, but she was no where in sight. I took my phone out of my pocket and check if she called or texted me, but to my disappointment she didn’t. I was getting ready to send her a text when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned to only be punched in the face by Camry. I held my jaw and looked at him. Is this nigga serious? I already whooped ya ass once, apparently I need to refresh your memory. I went for the uppercut…left hook…punch to the gut. This nigga started fightin’ back.
“Aight nigga this what you want?”
Everyone caught wind that there was a fight happening and at our school that was seldom. People started surrounding us, I threw Camry on the ground and kicked him hard in the stomach, he started coughing and sputtering.
“Get up nigga. You wanted to do this.”
I let him slowly raise to his feet. He went in for the right hook, I dodged it and starting whooping his ass again. I felt one of the teachers grab me, trying to pull me away from him. All I saw was red, I heard a small shaky voice snap me out of it.
“A-Aubrey! What are you doing?”
I unwrapped the teacher’s arms from around me and rushed to Nicki.
“Babygirl he started it I swear.”
“Don’t call me that. How do I know that for sure?”
“Because you know me Nicki. I wouldn’t go anything like that if someone didn’t start it.”
“No, I don’t know you. Who are you?”
“‘Nika what are you talking about?”
“I don’t know you anymore Aubrey. You told me you loved me with all your heart, and said all this stuff on how you see a future with me. You promised me you would never hurt me. You kissed her in front of me. You didn’t even have the enough respect for me to do it behind my back. Then, in your attempt of making it up to me, you stand me up.
I was about to say something but she didn’t let me. She just continued letting me have it.
I actually fell for your crap again. I’m done with you. Just don’t talk to me. Enjoy your new life. Take care.”
I could feel my heart breaking as I saw the tears running down her cheeks and hearing those words come out of her mouth. I’ve been saying it was Ami’s fault, but I didn’t push her away fast enough. Who am I?
Nicki wiped her face and walked around me to get to Shawn. I turned and saw her checking his face and wiping his blood. I saw her kiss him, asking him if he was alright. She took his hand and led him the way to the nurse’s office.
The pain that I felt when she kissed him was indescribable. Was that what Nicki felt? She didn’t even look back at me. She was done. I felt tears come to eyes, I quickly blinked them away when I saw Ami. She was asking me if I was alright, but I ignored her. The only thing that was on my mind was Nicki. One of the teachers touched my shoulder and told me I had to go to the office. I clenched my jaw and inhaled, grabbed my bookbag and followed their orders.

Shawn's POV
Me and Nicki arrived at the nurse’s office and she waited while the nurse tended to my injuries. She finished bandaging me up and left me and Nicki by ourselves.
“How are you feeling?” She asked.
She gave me a look and changed my response. I must say for a boy that sticks to himself and doesn’t bother anyone. He can throw down.
“I’m sorry for what he did to you.”
“Naw baby don’t worry about it,” I looked at my bruises and then back at her, “I have a question though.”
“Did you kiss me to make him jealous?”
“No, why would I stoop to his level and did what he did to me. He ain’t worth it.” I smirked when her accent came out.
“Plus I was thinking about what happened at lunch-”
“Oh yeah, sorry about that. I just have to maintain my image for my boys.”
She looked up at me with her face twisted.”
“Why? That ain’t the real you.”
“How you know?”
“I just do.”
"Are you gonna answer my question?
"Are you gonna tell me what you thinkin’ about?”
I heard her suck her teeth and sigh.
“I was thinking that what you did would be considered disrespectful, but since I’m technically yours… You get a pass…”
I smiled from ear to ear hearing her say those words. Maybe she was really done with Graham cracker.
“Wipe that smile off your face and lets go.”
She was getting smart. Maybe I should put her in her place, I thought.
I slapped her ass and her hand immediately went to the spot where I slapped her. Her mouth was open, signaling shock, but her eyes were telling something else. She liked it.
I smirked before taking her hand and walking out of the nurse’s office.

Nicki's POV
“And that’s all?” Lauren asked. I close my locker door after retrieving my textbooks. I sighed and nodded, leaning against it.
“That’s harsh, Nic.” Ci added.
was being harsh? But when he lied to me about us having a future a
together, then snuck away to play house with that armadillo lookin’
bitch Ami, it wasn’t harsh. It was his destiny right?
“Yeah, whatever.” I said walking with them down the hall.
“Well, you have class with him right now so…” Lauren stopped and spun around, “See you after school!”
I forgot I had this call with him. He was the last person I wanted to
see right now, if I would’ve remembered I would have delayed myself.
my surprise, he wasn’t there when I walked in. I sighed and sat at my
desk. Time went on, class was almost over and he still wasn’t there.
“I wonder where he is.” I thought to myself.
Uh, not that I cared or anything..
my last class of the day. This class I had with Shawn and I was
actually kind of excited about. All we did was flirt and cuddle in the
back; since this dumbass documentary was playing. Even though I was here
with Shawn, my thoughts wandered back to Aubrey. Is he ok? Why wasn’t
he in class? But more importantly why do I care when he obviously
doesn’t care about me.
“Babe you good?” Shawn whispered in my ear.
nodded and cuddled back into him. I was starting to worry, because I
knew what kind of temper Aubrey has so maybe, JUST MAYBE- I was a little
too harsh.
After class, Shawn walked me to my locker and helped me pack my bag. I started walking towards the front door.
“‘Nika, where you goin’ babygirl!” I lightly smiled at the nickname and turned around.
“Oh I was just going to the trail to go home.” I answered pointing behind me. He smirked and walked up to me.
“Oh I was just going to the trail to go home.” I answered pointing behind me. He smirked and walked up to me.
we ‘bout to get a ride with mah boys.” I looked behind him and saw the
crew with a bunch of half naked girls, giggling and twisting their hair
with their fingers. I shook my head.
“No thanks, babe.
I’m okay walking.” I smiled and turned around heading for the doors
again, but Shawn grabbed my arm and yanked me back.
“You’re coming with us.” He coldly stated.
I ripped my arm away. “No! I’m not Shawn!”
He grabbed me again, harder this time. His friends encouraged his behavior in the background.
“Do not disobey me. Are we understood?” Frightened, I quickly nodded and walked with them.
entered this big ass van, which was full of drugs, alcohol and dumbass
people. I tried my best to distance myself from everybody, but Shawn
kept pulling me onto his lap. I just wanted to go home.
“So Nicki right?” I nodded at the skank asking me this.
“You deep throat right?” What the fuck?
bet chu this saint is still a virgin?” She said pushing me. I looked
back at her; and before I could respond, another girl added on.
“You probably got 0 miles on your vag card.”
Everyone laughed including Shawn. I heard one of his boys telling Shawn likes virgins.
I quickly blinked my eyes, attempting to fight back tears. I looked out the window and saw that they passed my house.
“H-Hey Shawn, he passed my house.”
“We ain’t going to your palace barbie.” Some guy said as he blew out the smoke. I looked at Shawn, very confused.
“Where are we going?!” I panicked.
laughed and ignored me. I was beyond scared, not only are these bitches
sketchy as fuck, but the direction we’re going in leads out of town!
“Shawn-” I grabbed his arm. He looked at me and ripped it away.
‘Nika. S-P-A-C-E.” He spelled out. Everyone continued to laugh at me. I
was cry silently inside, wishing for Aubrey. I should’ve never said
what I said to him, cause now karma is biting me in the ass. I looked
back out the window and saw that we were pulling up to some abandoned
“W-Where are w-we?”
“At the trap, girl damn!” One of the hoes answered.
We finally stopped and everyone started getting out of the van.
out the way Barbie!” This bitch pushed me onto to the ground. I looked
up and saw everyone laughing and pointing at me. I picked myself off the
ground and looked around. Super Sketchy.
“Who’s this fine ass bitch right here.” A guy from the house pointed at me
Camry’s.” One of his boys answered.
The boy started moving closer to me and started caressing my arm. I pulled away, but he pulled me back.
to meet you.” He whispered in my ear. I looked at him, shaking. He
laughed and let me go. Everyone started going to into the trap. I
grabbed my bag started walking the other way.
“‘Nika!” I heard Shawn yell.
turned and saw him walking towards me. I rolled my eyes and continued
to walk. He somehow caught up to me and yanked my hair, pulling me back
to him.
“What the fuck did I just say about disobeying me?”
scared to say anything else, I obliged to his command. He dragged me
into the house. I coughed as smoke hit my face, making everyone laugh
once again. Well damn, am I the next Kevin Hart or somethin’.
Shawn sat
throwing me on his lap. I saw the guy from earlier looking me up and
down, examining my body. I turned away and faced the wall.
this the girl that’s still a v?” Some dude asked, taking a sip of
whatever was in his cup. The hoe that asked me earlier about it, nodded.
“Aight! I see you Camry!” They all chuckled.
the hell was so fucking funny? Cause I sure as hell wasn’t laughing.
Shawn moved his hand up my thigh going near my spot. I hit his hand away
and he grabbed my hair again.
“Mercy on this innocent soul Shawn, save the roughness for the bedroom.”
Shawn smirked and loosened his grip on me. I sniffled and wiped my tears away.
“You’re lucky.” Shawn said.
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